Options | |
Description | This is the general discussion board about welding. |
Read Access | All users can see board |
Write Access | All users can post |
Registration | Posting requires registration |
Moderation | Posts don't have to be approved to be visible |
Threading | Topics are threaded |
Attachments | File attachments are enabled |
Locking | - |
Expiration | - |
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'groups AS groups
ON groups.id = boardAdminGroups.groupId
LEFT JOIN groupMem' at line 6
SELECT groups.id, groups.title,
groups.public = 1
OR groupMembers.userId IS NOT NULL
OR groupAdmins.userId IS NOT NULL AS visible
FROM boardAdminGroups AS boardAdminGroups
INNER JOIN groups AS groups
ON groups.id = boardAdminGroups.groupId
LEFT JOIN groupMembers AS groupMembers
ON groupMembers.userId = :userId
AND groupMembers.groupId = groups.id
LEFT JOIN groupAdmins AS groupAdmins
ON groupAdmins.userId = :userId
AND groupAdmins.groupId = groups.id
WHERE boardAdminGroups.boardId = :boardId
ORDER BY groups.title
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