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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / About to start asme sect.IX B31.3 any tips
- - By tonixwelds (*) Date 07-31-2016 23:10
Im gonna b headed out on my first cwi job and its asme section IX B31.3. Can any1 enlighten me a little on what i should be expecting? I thought the api1104 was pretty easy to nav. but never looked into asme codes. Any words are appreciated.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 07-31-2016 23:35
You're kidding...RIGHT!!??

Parent - By tonixwelds (*) Date 07-31-2016 23:53
Pray? Cant be that bad. Is it?
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 08-01-2016 00:04
If you are not working under the direction of someone experienced with the code I would strongly suggest you let whoever the party is you are working with know.

Not doing a job you may not be ready for is better than doing one. You do of course have to gain experience but understand that in some cases there isn't any easing into it. There is not much to learn on a forum in a short amount of time. If you don't have someone to get you up to speed, it could be a rocky road.

The key to a code being "easy" is understanding how it works. However going on a project may include the need to have an understanding very quickly.

There will project specifications and drawings that should let you know the piping categories however each individual piping specification may have requirements outside those of the referenced codes. B31.3 has piping categories that are usually specified by the owner/engineer. Each category will have its own requirements including amount of inspection and acceptance criteria. My 1st few days on a new project involve finding the project related documents and verifying that they are the latest versions applicable to the project.

The duties as a welding inspector can vary widely depending on who you are representing.

As someone who made some pretty significant mistakes in the past, my number one rule is "Know what you know, know what you don't know"

Have a great day and sorry there's not a cliff notes version of "Inspecting per B31.3" or a few youtube videos.  I suggest getting your hands on a code asap for study. Even if its an older version it will help. Using a code is not knowing the content but is knowing how to find it.

I still have difficulties with a new code and I have been in inspecting and reading codes since the late 80's. I have been wrapping my brain around D1.5 for 2 hours or so a day for the last 2 weeks and thats JUST for qualifying a procedure. Be careful as you go forward and take the time to get familar with the code.

Gerald Austin
Parent - - By tonixwelds (*) Date 08-01-2016 01:35
Thanx pipewelder_1999
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-01-2016 01:52
Do you even have a copy of the code to refer to?

If you learned nothing else while studying for CWI, you should have learned that you have to understand the code you are working with and refer to the code while you performing your duties as the inspector tasked with ensuring the work complies with the code and project specifications.

The responsibilities of the piping inspector are far more involved than those inspecting to AWS D1.X structural codes. You will also be dealing with material specifications for fitting, pipe, valves, pipe supports, hangers, etc. Some will be ASME specifications, but also ASTM specifications as well. Pipe supports will be inspected to the AWS structural code. So, if you are only familiar with API 1104 you may easily find yourself cornered in unfamiliar territory. You need the appropriate standards to perform you job.

The best advice I can offer is to get a copy of the project specifications, drawings, and the process piping code and study them before getting to the job site. If there are pipe supports, get a copy of D1.1 and study it as well.

Parent - By Joey (***) Date 08-03-2016 09:32 Edited 08-03-2016 09:35
Don't worry about the codes whether you are familiar or not familiar. Here we are used to so many codes, AWS, BS EN, API, JIS, ASME, you name it and we have it. But we are not particularly familiar with the contents of the code / std, the key is to know how to refer or how fast you can find the information needed for the job.

The most important before you start in any job assignment is to ask & read the Project Specification. This one you must get familiar and must remember the contents.

My past experience during the job interview, the interviewer will ask you on what is the first document you need to ask on your first day of work. If your answer is Code to use, you fail the interview.
Parent - By thirdeye (***) Date 08-01-2016 02:09 Edited 08-01-2016 02:30
ASME Code Section IX deals with welding and brazing qualifications (procedure and performance qualifications) only, so it's not an actual construction code (like ASME Section VIII or ASME B31.3) are; inspection would be limited to test coupons or plates and most likely performed in-house by the manufacturer. NDE requirements (including visual inspection techniques, documentation etc.) would be found in ASME Code Section V, Article 9, and most generally when working under ASME B31.3 it references ASME Section V.  If your contract documents reference ASME Section V, and specifically Article 1, be advised that this section does list certain requirements for qualification/certification of inspection personnel (ASNT's SNT-TC-1A, or CP 189 for example), and a formal quality assurance program...but it does offer a way around this.:  

"When the referencing Code Section does not specify qualifications or does not reference directly Article 1 of this Section (Section V), qualification may simply involve a personnel demonstration to show that the personnel performing the nondestructive examinations are competent to do so in accordance with the Manufacturer's established procedures."

This is the first thing I would verify before going any farther. If the "demonstration exemption" is allowed it is usually witnessed by the Quality Assurance Manager and the Authorized Inspector, and then documented.  It is quite possible that they will in fact accept your AWS QC1 certification, but when in doubt... ask.
- By welderbrent (*****) Date 08-01-2016 04:27
Well?  Did you get enough ideas as to how bad it MAY be? 

I repeat myself...PRAY!!

Pray no one ever gets hurt from items you missed from lack of experience and knowledge.
Pray you get a handle on what's expected and how to accurately interpret all applicable codes.
Pray you don't ruin your reputation.
Pray you find someone to guide you. 

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / About to start asme sect.IX B31.3 any tips

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