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- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-26-2012 11:36
Had to share this, will have to see if I can find more info to verify(like I'm gonna vote for him anyhow!!)
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-26-2012 23:11
the capital gains and dividends are correct I believe....dunno bout the rest.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-26-2012 23:57
I was looking at income tax and the second line, income tax/Payroll....ouch.
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 09-27-2012 00:35
Out of curiosity: has anyone else seen 2016 Obama's America?    If it is playing anywhere near you: GO
Parent - - By mcostello (**) Date 09-27-2012 01:46
Seen it, some people seem to like to vote for him regardless of his past. (or future intentions)
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-27-2012 02:17
I think somebody said that Madonna told everyone at her concert that they needed to vote for him and keep him in because he was a black muslim and that was cool! She said she would strip naked if he won again(please Lord spare me). Oh, here it is,

"So Madonna told "fans" at her concert "Y’all better vote for f**king Obama, OK? For better or for worse, alright? We have a black Muslim in the White House! Now that’s some amazing s**t.” And then she vowed (threatened?) to strip if he wins."
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 09-27-2012 10:33
Can you imagine Madonna naked :cry: will look like a gut with the sh! t slung out of it but personally I could care less what that nasty old nag thinks and also the so called stars or whatever they are have no business promoting politicians because ain't not a one of them ever really worked for there money
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-27-2012 02:18
Would like to watch it....hopefully it is not just a right wing version of Micheal Moore.   The part that really amazes me and makes me feel bad for young people is the sheer assault of propaganda by both sides of the aisle and the so called reporters who are willing to spout it out 24/7 on TV, internet and radio.   There are almost no cut and dried died in the wool true news reporters/agency's anymore.  Ones that just state the facts for both sides of the argument and leave the opinions to the reader, viewer or listener.  I am afraid those days are permanently gone leaving the general public with their limited time to wade through the mass of utter BS being dumped on them like photons on the Las Vegas strip. To be a truly educated voter takes serious effort and time these is almost an impossibility to stay properly informed on your local political landscape much less the circus of guano generation being pumped out by both parties vying for spots in Washington. 

How did it get this way?  Everyone simply learned that vast amounts of money can be made by having a stake in who gets elected...more then anyone ever imagined back in the day.  TV changed things radically...people think and absorb information much better when they read.  Politics has nothing to do with patriotism or a sense of serving your community anymore..(for the most part) is simply a very strange convoluted form of a business...that is about it.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-27-2012 10:11
yeah, what you said. Where's the like button.
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 09-27-2012 10:39
The problem with this country is we allow everybody to vote, dumb people, welfare broodmares, illegals and so on and so on
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-27-2012 21:41
Vote Romney - Screw the 47%!

Screw those collecting social security.
Screw those that are disabled by on-the-job accidents or for medical reasons and have to survive on Social Security and Medicare.
Screw those that saw their savings and retirement vanish when holding companies took over their companies, raided the pension funds and out sourced their jobs.
Screw those that borrow money to attend college. They should have borrowed it from mom and dad, or better yet, they should have had mom and dad pay for their college.
Screw the people that can't afford health insurance on the open market. They can go to the Emergency Room for free under Romney (Right!).
Screw the vets that get their medicines and health care from the VA.
Screw the automotive workers. Shut their plants like Romney wanted to.
Shutter the gas and oil wells that have been drilled since Obama took office.

Let's not forget one important fact, Congress votes on the budget before the President ever sees it.
How many workers would have any retirement if Bush had his way and all retirements were privatized?

Romney said it best, “I don’t care about the 47% that don’t pay taxes.” It would be nice if he had a clue that most people have to work for a living and we do have to pay taxes. Not all of us make enough money to squirrel it away overseas.

How many of us are ashamed to show our income tax returns?

Vote Republican - fight two wars for eight years on borrowed money.
Vote Republican - lets have another economic melt down like we had with Bush.

Give me a break. We had eight years under the Republicans and they ran the economy into the ground.

Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 09-27-2012 23:17
What a rant!

You should get your facts straight before you blow.

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-28-2012 03:35
Facts never stopped a good politician. Facts only get in the way. Rarely do they make good campaign slogans or 30 second television spots.

Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 09-28-2012 15:37
AL, FACT- OSAMA SAID"IF YOU OWN A BUSINESS. YOU DIDN'T BUILD IT THE GOVERNMENT'S DID" Just a typical statement from someone out of touch with reality just like you Al !!!!!
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 09-28-2012 12:53
I see you represent the Democratic philosophies of the New England region.

I respect your opinions but disagree as a Republican.

I believe Obama is offering the citizens a "change" in the wrong direction.

Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 09-28-2012 15:44
AL- YOU MUST BE ONE OF THEM 47% ers ( I wish they would go away, dragging the country down):'
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-28-2012 16:01
I just love a discussion with an intelligent man.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-28-2012 16:37

2008 10T in debt
2012 16T in debt
60% increase 6T in the last four years
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 09-28-2012 17:08
Al, it would seem that some refuse to face reality and to take the time to consider the facts is to much of an inconvenience.
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 09-28-2012 23:33
AL- I'd be willing to bet you have NEVER owned a business that you started !!!!! (the only way I can explain it is, its' like raising a child constantly) Apparently when the GOVERNMENT was handing out "HELP" I was sleeping after working a 20 hr. job that had to get DONE!!!!!! (ever experience that AL):eek::eek::eek: On the same note you probably support that other useless drag on our county Hillary Clinton :yell::yell::yell:(another anti-entrepreneur politico hack) :sad::sad: Seems like your just another DEMOCRATIC sheep !!!!!!! Ba-a-a-a:razz::razz::razz:( Can't be to stupid to provide for my family,employees and pay all the confiscatory taxes for the last 30 yrs).:cool::cool::cool: From Pittsburgh home of this years "mediocre" STIILERS:yell::yell::yell::yell:
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-29-2012 01:54
What a Dip sh!t!

You think you're the only one that's done what you have??? Then you're the problem son!!!
Al was not stooping as low as you have and that's why I responded to your post...

Smooth Operator, I used to think that you were a straight shooter and someone I could respect but, after your last post, You are in no way a smooth operator!
The main theme to my response is the matter of showing respect and acting civil about what we disagree as opposed to defaming or ridiculing someone who's just presenting his opinions with out any sense of malice or ill will towards you dude!

Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 09-30-2012 00:02
SORRY to offend you Henry but when I'm called stupid and ignorant by your buddy Al I get pissed off. You have had a ringside seat to all the Demcratic nonsense that has taken place in the Beaver Valley over the years so can you blame a guy for not wanti.g to see the same B.S. nation wide???? Also being born & raised in W. PA. I should get a pass from you at least once.
Parent - - By Paladin (***) Date 09-30-2012 00:56
Mr Henry,
You call someone a Dip Sh!t.
Then chide him for NOT "showing respect and acting civil about what we disagree as opposed to defaming or ridiculing someone who's just presenting his opinions".

With all due respect sir, that seems a little ironic and inconsistent to me.

Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 09-30-2012 01:55
I agree being civil and respect is a two way street. I thought what Henry did is what I always say " the pot calling the kettle black " . I guess it's only disrespectful when coming from a red blooded conservative American
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-29-2012 05:02 Edited 09-29-2012 13:14

Sorry friend. I am happy for you that you didn't put any money where your mouth is. In other words, I'm happy that you didn't actually make a wager before spouting off. In short - you lose.

I've owned several businesses during my working career. I was still in high school when I registered my first welding and fabrication company. I formed my second company while I was in college and my current business was registered in "79". It is safe to say I've been self-employed most of my life.

Don’t even try to lecture me about the rigors of being self-employed or how hard it is to weld for a living. I’ve done it, I’ve been there. The difference between you and me is pretty evident. I know how to express an idea or an opinion based on reason and fact. Can you demonstrate the same ability?

There is a major difference between you and me; I don't have a problem with paying taxes. I know how most of the money is spent. It pays for the roads, highways, and bridges I drive on every day. I know my taxes pay for the clean water I drink and the treatment plants that ensure clean rivers. I know the taxes I pay help ensure I have clean air to breath. I know the taxes I pay ensure I can own and operate a business. I know the taxes I pay ensure I have the right to express my opinion. I know the taxes I pay ensure my children and my grandchildren can read and write a cohesive sentence.

Unlike you, I have been around long enough to appreciate rivers that do not catch on fire or air that is black with soot or red from blast furnaces polluting the air. I enjoy the highway system we've built with our tax dollars because I can remember how a 120 mile drive used to take eight hours instead of two. I remember driving through Baltimore and marveling at the orange sky and the sulfur taste in my mouth. I do not view paying my fair share as a burden which offers no benefits. 

I don't begrudge the poor a good education. I have seen the difference a good public school system can make. They are not free, they cost money to build, maintain, and populate with qualified teachers. I have seen the results of poor public school systems as well. The differences are clear; those states with the good public schools are at the top of the income earners while those with poor public schools are at the bottom of the income earners. I view money spent on public schools at the elementary level, secondary level, and college level as investments in our future. I would rather pay the cost of sending a child to college than to pay for their incarceration.

I don't begrudge a teacher a good salary. They should earn an income that is on par with someone that has the same level of education in any other sector. I am entrusting my children’s future to these individuals. I want the best teachers with the best education I can afford. I want the same for your children. Whether the teacher is teaching a youngster a trade, how to work with their hands, or teaching science and math to a child so they can someday change our world, it is important that the teachers be the best we can afford. The days of hiring a widow to teach a youngster to read and write are a thing of the past. Now we demand teachers with advanced degrees. We have to be willing to pay the price for excellence. I want the Lawrence’s of the world to be as qualified and dedicated as he is teaching my children. I want the best.

I do not begrudge the less fortunate the right to medical care. I don't begrudge the homeless or unemployed a warm shelter on a cold winter night.  I have the opinion that it is a privilege to live in this country. I believe paying my fair share is not a punishment, but a responsibility.

Romney’s philosophy is "hurray for me, screw you". Is that the reality of our country? In his circle of friends that may be true, but those are not the ideals I hold dear. The 47% Romney is willing to discard includes a lot of hard working men and women. Even Romney’s father needed public assistance for a while. In Romney’s own words,  “I’m not going to worry about them.”

I know of plenty of young people that do not pay taxes. They don’t earn enough to pay federal taxes. My son is one of them. He works in a sheltered workshop. He is one of the 47% Romney is willing to throw under the bus.

I know plenty of young people that attended university using Pell Grants and Stafford Loans; again, they are expendables according to Romney. They should borrow the money from their parents. Maybe their parents did not give them a million dollars. Throw them under the bus.

I know a number of retired people that don’t pay federal income taxes. They depend on SSI because the companies they labored for were purchased by venture bankers like Bain that “harvested” (robbed) the pension funds. Romney see them as burdens on society, I see them as the people that built our country.

Romney’s vision of our country is not the vision I have for my country. I have more faith in our country and I recognize that everyone in our society cannot be wealthy. Fate does not treat everyone the same. Romney does not represent the average American and he has no idea of what the average American does to make a living.

Do I agree with everything our government does? Of course not, but I believe the Democratic Party is more closely aligned with my core principles than the Republican Party in this election. Life is more than a 30 second sound bite. You have to dig a little deeper on your own to discover what the facts really are. I like to know the source of the information I am reading and I like to know the affiliation of the person that is responsible for the story. Important decisions must consider the long term consequences, alternatives, and past history. I do not care to recede back to the times of the Robber Barons.

There is a saying, "Little minds, little people." I like to Think Americans are better than that.

These are my beliefs and I am free to state them because I am an American. When I submit a post in the Forum, I am not afraid to let people know who I am or what I believe. I don’t have to hide behind anonymity. Once again it is an example of my tax dollars at work. I have a strong defense consisting of the Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard that is paid by my taxes to defend my rights, my freedom, my pursuit of happiness. I am happy to pay them for defending my rights and ensuring those rights are protected. If someone decides to challenge my right to say what I believe, there is a legal system that is paid for by my tax dollars to ensure my rights are not violated. Our legal system defends the rights of both the rich and the poor because both the state and federal government have a police force, lawyers, and a court system that protects our rights of citizenship. Is the system perfect? No, but we have a mechanism that permits us to change any shortcomings. Challenging the status quo is our right, our obligation, and our duty as a citizen of this country.

My tax dollars are a responsibility, not a burden.

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-29-2012 11:26
Money isn't everything.

1,000,000 (one million) American children are killed every year via abortion.  That is more than all the wars in the world combined.   This is done in the name of "womens healthcare"   Here is the true war on women!

Foreign policy,,,   Economy,,,, Entitlements,,,,,  War....  None of this means anything when you put it up against 1,000,000 lives extinguished on the altar of convenience.
No pro-choice political candidate has my attention... ever.
A pro-life Democrat does have my attention... Sadly they are rare  (extinct in the U.S. Senate and Executive Branch)

Nothing wrong with discussing foreign policy or the economy.... Republicans certainly don't own all the good ideas being presented today.........But when it comes to voting in my opinion there is one national tragety that overshadows any other consern.

Somebody wants every single one of those babies that are killed...  Let's think about politicians who can get those babies to the people who want them without those people being bankrupted in adoption red tape.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-29-2012 13:32
I have no argument with that ideal, but it isn't the only factor to consider when electing a public official.

There is never one candidate that represents our views on every subject. We have an obligation to sift through the rhetoric and vote for the individual that best represent our view, our core beliefs, and one that will do what is right for the entire country, not a select few.

While I don’t necessarily agree with someone’s belief, I will defend that person’s right to say what they believe.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-29-2012 14:14
Another consideration should be job performance. :fat:
But the poor job performance and failures over the past four years were really our fault, moreso than Obama's.

We threw Obama into a job that was way bigger than organizing community events, and with his lack of any real leadership experience combined with his huge swollen head and arrogance, it was just a recipe for failure over the last 4 years. :razz:
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-29-2012 14:29
Remember the old saying, "Be careful of what you ask for."

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-29-2012 14:50
I hope you know that I'm just poking fun or may be poking the bear...whichever the case may be. :twisted:
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-29-2012 14:53
Politics is one hell of a bear to be poking at! :grin:

I just glad these bears only come out of hibernation every four years.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 09-29-2012 16:23
AL - If you like being OVERTAXED thats your cross to bear, we pay waaay to much/many taxes. If you feel you don't pay enough, send me your address, you can pay my overage. ( I think way to much of our money is wasted/stolen.) And as you just said in in your above post we elect a president every 4 years, this one hasn't done a damn thing good so it bye-bye NEXT!!!
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 09-29-2012 16:08
I just knew none of that was HIS fault!!  Never is.

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-30-2012 01:34
If at some point We find an effective way to teach personal responsibility [hopefully in school if not earlier], then perhaps We can resolve this issue.
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 09-30-2012 01:59
I think it's a genetic disorder in some of the welfare recipients these days to many generations with the entitlement mentality
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 09-29-2012 19:02
I agree taxes are a responsability to an extent but let's get real with what they are used for ,  I hate working to support somebody that doesn't want. to,  welfare broodmares are not my responsibility. Sorry if I hurt anybody's feelings but I don't care I have struggled all the way up and if I can do it so can the next guy or women.
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 09-30-2012 13:41
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 09-30-2012 21:23
TEX - Believe it or not there are people who believe welfare is their right in the good ol' USA !!!!!! They have used food stamps cashing them in for .10 cents on a dollar at the mom/pop convience store, now you can use a ACCESS CARD to get money to gamble at casinos!!!!!! Hell theres a story I just read about a muti-million dollar lottery winner who admitted to buying the winning ticket with her welfare money. Shes' back in the news cause she turned up dead ( fishy,sure theres more to that story!!!!) Hell I had a guy tell me at work the girl he was "dating" took her welfare check and went for 2 weeks in the Bahamas with a couple other welfare broads ( left her three kids w/mom) he was pissed and gave her the heave HOE !!!!!!!:yell::yell::yell: HELL I went to deliver a 100 ton crane block from Pittsburgh  to Peoria Il. with my broken leg on crutches . One of the Ironworkers came over unloaded the trailer and shook my hand and proceeded to tell me about his P.O.S. inlaws who 2 are on DISABILITY for depression/bi-polar( except at night when its PARTY TIME!!!!!) Me personally I can't see how you can stay home watching TV/COMPUTER all day and half the night.:cry::cry::cry: I don't feel right unless I'm being productive !!!!:wink::wink::wink::wink:
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 09-30-2012 21:45
Dude you ain't telling me nothing I don't know, I know guys that make 70,000 a year but won't marry there baby's mommy so she can get welfare,  or the kids that get free lunch at the public schools but have 300 dollar air Jordan shoes. I could go on and on for days because I see a lot of this first hand. It makes me boiling mad because I have been so sick that I had no business getting out bed but went out on a rig call when it was 25 degrees and the wind about 40 an hour and then have to pay taxes out of that so a welfare broodmare can sit at home with heat and a hot meal this s*** ain't fair it has got to stop. I only have one kid because they are so expensive but they have five or more because that just means more money from the government . Read my signature it ain't about horses or dogs .
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 09-30-2012 23:31
BE CAREFULL !!!!!! The bleeding hearts on here will start calling you ignorant/stupid, giving you a diatribe on how wonderful and privileged you are to be paying outrageous amounts of TAXES:yell::yell::yell: AND then start to lecture you because THEY know better because they're older & certainly more wiser ?????:confused::confused::confused: MY QUESTION IS: If you been around for sooo looong and know soooo much, why are things soooo f'ed up NOW???????:eek::eek::eek::eek: HERES A THOUGHT lets cut out the free rides (here & abroad) Lets have less government/ get rid of career politictians:mad::mad::mad: WE AS A NATION have been doing the same thing in politics for to long and it ain't workin'. MY FAVORITE MOVE OF DEMOCRATS/LIBERALS IS "IF SOMETHING ISN'T WORKING THROW MORE MONEY AT IT" that solves everything !!!!!!!:roll::roll::roll: Thats why we have so many bloated federal agencies,B.S. programs for the "less fortunate"(welfare), corrupt officials (politictians) and aid for foreign countries (most hate our guts) :eek::eek::eek: But hey what would I know I'm just a conservative DIP **** who started a business 30 years ago when I lost my job as a steelworker and went out on my own instead of cryin' in my beer or collectin' U.C. and waiting for another high paying job.!!!!! According to the liberals I encounter ITS' NO BIG DEAL anybody could do it!!!!!!! RIGHT, its no big deal they act like this business just popped out of the ground one day !!!!!!! POOOOF THERE IT IS !!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:
- - By Paladin (***) Date 09-28-2012 12:32
This got a lot of play yesterday.

When Obama came into office the program to provide free cell phones cost taxpayers 772 million a year. Now is cost US 1.6 billion, more than double. Think any other programs have increased our debt?

Guess what the program is called?     Does this strike anyone else as arrogance, not to mention using the office of the president for political advantage.

As more and more are on government subsidies they will in their best interest vote for more free bread. Will you get tired of working for those that don't? Romney was right, those depending on the government  won't vote for him.
Think about how the early settlers and pioneers had no guarantee of anything. Yet they made it and their offspring made this great country. We are dumbing down and softening up our culture in a hurry.

In my opinion the Republicans have done the working man few favors. They seem to like to make and keep their money. Democrats in office seem to like to make money and give away YOUR money.  The Democrats progressive and FORWARD changing of this country will not serve US well.

Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 09-28-2012 16:58
I just love American Politics...................Just don't understand it at all!
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-28-2012 17:03
46. I agree, there's crazy stuff going on over here. :cool:
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 09-28-2012 17:10
Will have to ask my American colleagues...................
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-30-2012 06:22
A 3rd grade teacher asked the class what they knew about elections.

One little girl put Her hand up, and was called on. She replied:

If it lasts more than 4 hours, You should go see Your Doctor.

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-03-2012 03:41

You might dig is pretty funny.
- - By texwelder (***) Date 09-29-2012 19:09 Edited 09-30-2012 01:59
Comment to everybody on here no matter who you vote for or what party you are this country is done for. We are bankrupt to no return and we continue to support 1/2 the other countries in the world. All great empires fall we are just coming down slow but it's coming to many people will not work and to many illegals and yes I said illegals are coming over here and not paying taxes and get free hand outs.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-02-2012 18:40
If the illegal’s are coming over (and they are), it is because our fellow citizens are giving them jobs and paying them under the table.

It wasn't too long ago that then Governor Romney got caught with an illegal nanny/housekeeper for which he didn't pay federal withholding taxes, SSI, or Medicare. How quick we forget. Gee, I wonder how that could have possibly happened.

He's definiately the sleeze bag I want to be president: Not.

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-02-2012 19:34
Al, I don't think that you want to go with the illegal immigration angle....Obama is certainly not the saint you're painting him on that issue, but rather the sleeze bag.
a few examples: Fast and Furious Obama coverup with US guns used in massive attacks in Mexico and in The States, Hiding documents to protect Eric Holder concerning border agent's death, Obama orders to ICE to ignore immigration laws in AZ, ...etc, etc...the list goes on and on.
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 10-02-2012 20:39
Hell it's on the news today that the ambassador for Libya and his staff asked  "REPEATEDLY" for more protection at the embassy because they FEARED for their safety.:eek::eek::eek::eek: The congress is going to have an investigation to see if OSAMA and his ineffective lackey( Secretary of State ???????):razz::razz::razz: Hillary Clinton were negligent in not responding properly!!!!!!!! ( typical ineffectiveness of this administration, in over his head):yell::yell::yell: Boy this can't be sittin' to well with the OSAMA lovers out there, but hey you can't worry about the 47% of this country thats a DRAG on this good ol' USA :lol::lol::lol:(personally I think MITT"S percentage is way high but typical of a B.S. politician):confused::confused::confused:
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