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Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-24-2007 01:03
I don't. Clay Jones, I know of..........
Parent - By doombak (*) Date 11-26-2007 06:50
i could possibly hire 2 b pressure welders in Alberta for really good money
Parent - - By ctdconstruction (*) Date 07-25-2007 18:29
Self employed rig welder, 36 yrs. old. 18 years combined rig and welding exp. - I'd like to think I'm good enough -
Parent - By three tracks (*) Date 08-30-2007 19:52
still looking in rifle area??? send me an email, i know a company looking for good people.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-24-2007 01:11 rings, you gotta answer. It's a rig with a washout. You climb out of bed, put your wranglers and lapcos on and fire up the truck...You almost want to climb back in bed, but you cant. Truck warms up on the way to the rig. You sing along with the Eddie Rabbitt song that happens to be blaring out of your 5x9's. You think to yourself MAN, who else does this?? Yep, this is why we make the 3 digits.................!!

Long story short, you are out till the next nightfall.............
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 07-25-2007 21:11
New and reburbished rig yards in OKC area:

Unit Drilling 405-745-4948
OKC Rig Works 405-619-5900
Nabors Drilling 405-324-8081 (currently have approx 60 welders working 7 12s. Have 19 rigs to put out by Dec 07)
Cactus Drilling 405-577-5347
Nomac Drilling 405-422-2754
Frontier Drilling 405-330-4011

Most yards are paying 65 an hour.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-20-2007 08:02
that kinda money isnt bad but are they frunishing anything
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 08-23-2007 14:01
They furnish nothing. You can go to Anadarko or McAlester where they are running pipeline. They pay $40 an hour and supply rods and oxy/acet.
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 09-09-2007 12:28
i welded in Nabors Drilling Yard for the last 4 months. Paid every friday.$750 per day. 7 am to 8pm. Money was great. 12 days on and  2 days off.
the Rod Boss with the name of NORMAN was and is a JERK. HE is the reason that i DRUG up. He has to be the rudest man i have ever met. AS for nabors,   the best i have ever worked for.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-20-2007 08:00
been there done that. and you get to the rig to set a well head and they aint ready you sit in the truck for 10 hours before you even start then after you're done they have little odds and ends they want fixed and you are there 2 days strait with no sleep and you didnt take nothing to eat cause you figured you were only gonna be there 6 hours gotta love the oil field wish my phone would ring more
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 08-21-2007 15:04
Completion is where it's at. No nights, and usually no weekends. 85 an hour, and the most I have been on one job was five days.
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-07-2007 14:22

I don't care if you piss eveyone off in the forum.  If their skin is too be it.  let them go home change their and cry to their mommies. 

I was glad to have you name names.  I am glad to hear that I wasn't the only contractor who had a problem with 90 day pay-outs and 6 month pay outs. ( I don't mean that I am glad it happenned to you)

I eventually wouldn't work unless I got paid immediately.  That cut a lot of work away.  Then in the late 80's the insurance companuies doubled their rates several years in a row. (The FBI said there was no evidence of any conspiracy)  I couldn't afford a 10,000.00 annual start up premium.  I had no unhappy customers, so I spent a few years bareback, but eventuallu everyone needed insurance certificates, and I had to fold.  Before business went completely bad, I learned that I could make more money with what I knew than what I could do, and I offered my services as a consultant.  In ten years with no PE even that went to a point that I didn't have enough work.

Good Luck
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 09-10-2007 01:01
i made 30,000 in 2 okc at nabors
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 09-18-2007 02:04
I guess what it comes down to is if you have the brass marbles to go out on your aint easy, but you damn sure don't say "yes sir" to somebody you hate!
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 11-03-2007 16:15
I dont know where you are, but Patterson laid off a BUNCH of welders in West Texas. I heard a big yard in Bakersifield CA just let a bunch go.100 dollar oil and 4.00 natural gas does not bode well for the patch. I know one gas company in SE OK who will be gutting its drilling program in the second quarter of 08 if the price of NG does not improve. The NG pipelines are full. If it gets really cold, then the drilling may improve. But keep in mind in the lower 48 it is gas not oil drilling that is making this market. I would be really careful borrowing money to rig out right not. But you are a full grown man. Just free advice worth exactly what you are paying.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-05-2007 16:34
The gas price is low enough now that the big players actually buy gas from other smaller companies and shut their production down. Just the pipline lease alone keeps the corporations going when the price drops. They win no matter what..........
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 09-10-2007 23:22
they have a yard next to nabors. lots of welders there right now.sw 44th and council
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 09-12-2007 02:08
bronco has a yard off of 44th and council in okc. they also have a yard east of  el reno oklahoma.(just west of okc) and they have been working on 4 rigs(new construction) in the HODGES Trucking yard on I-40. I know several bosses in those yards.
Parent - - By scott73052 Date 10-31-2007 02:16
I work at the hodges truck yard for nomac and there are closing that yard down, we had 30 rig welders 3 months ago and now there are 9 of us left. I soon will be looking for work because the way nomac talks there are not building no more new rigs.
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 10-31-2007 22:59
call me, darin 580 748 0445
Parent - By mody454 (**) Date 10-31-2007 00:16
does anyone know anything about m g deyes. they are layin pipe over here close to bonham tx. 100 hr 160 per diem   they are headed back to mississippi to do another one
Parent - - By zebwilliams Date 07-26-2007 17:47
My husband has started the job in Mcalester Oklahoma.  Should be at least a couple of years and they are still needing rig welders and helpers pretty badly.  They work 7-10's, 100 a day per diem and about $40 an hour.  Finding a place to stay will be tricky though!
Parent - - By jerry798 (*) Date 07-26-2007 18:15
would you have a number to call thank you jerry
Parent - By zebwilliams Date 07-27-2007 05:21
The company name is R&R pipeline and they are out of Fayetville, AR.  I will get the direct number from my husband.  He thinks it's a pretty laid back job and should last several years.  The pace should slow down too. 
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-26-2007 20:45
Please do not take this the wrong way, do you people survive on 40 an hour and still buy your own consumables, insurance, etc..?

Maybe I'm ignorant, maybe the cost of living is completely different.....

I'm asking, not making a statement.
Parent - By zebwilliams Date 07-27-2007 05:18
It was definitley a big pay cut for us, we've been in MN for several years and were used to the money there.  You're right, the cost of living is way different in that part of the country (oklahoma).  He doesnt have to carry insurance on this job though and they provide everything he needs to work, he just brings his truck.  
Parent - - By zebwilliams Date 07-27-2007 06:01
btw-  just curious as to what part of the country you're working in?  thanks
Parent - - By jerry798 (*) Date 07-27-2007 16:58
hi could not find a number for them in  ar no listing thanks jerry
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 07-27-2007 17:48
Ok here are a few pipeline companies in McAlester.

Action Drilling 918-302-0601
Danny Wright 405-542-6012
R & R Pipeline 918-546-2880
405-663-4174 Hydro, Ok office
479-452-0331 Arkansas Office
479-452-3965 Ft Smith Office
918-962-5794 Spiro, Ok office

Hope it helps
Parent - - By jerry798 (*) Date 07-27-2007 18:54
thank you very much
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 07-28-2007 01:15
I worked for Hettinger Welding in Gillette, Wyoming back when I was trying to be a rig welder. They are like the main in town contractor in Gillette and there is a lot going on there.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-29-2007 07:11
Neato! Haven't been in Gillette since 2002.....
Parent - - By Cole Welding (**) Date 07-29-2007 22:45
Does anyone know the numbers to any rig yard in texas????
Parent - - By Wes531 (*) Date 08-15-2007 13:31
Did you have any luck on numbers for Texas rig yards?  I have been looking, but haven't found anything in that area... there is a lot going on in WY though...
Parent - By ctdconstruction (*) Date 08-21-2007 18:14
Thanks - No -no luck on Texas Rig yards - looks like I'm heading to Colorado or Wyoming toward the first of the month - unless someone out there has some #'s they want to share.
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 09-09-2007 12:30
62.50 at nabors yard,sourdough. 84 hours a week. Do the math
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-05-2007 16:30
You're right, it ads up. The only pain in the #ss is that you never see your kid growing up. Sorry, but I'm beginning to see a change in myself. My family is lonely, (vica verca), when I'm gone all the time.

Right now I'm gone 70 hrs a week - that's plenty of hours to get me by.........
Parent - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 11-03-2007 04:22
26 arm 14 rig 110 a day perdiem all cosumables supplied ++ gas for yur rig R&R Pipeline 479-452-0331 need 2 mor rigs yesterday ask for Rusty
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-13-2007 13:19
40 an hr aint much are they providing any supplies or fuel
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 08-14-2007 04:19
The cost of living I've heard in OK is VERY low.  I have some good friends from that area who boom all around but live there.  I mean five yrs. ago or so you could buy homes down there for 15-20K.  And I mean 3/2/2 homes!!!!  Never been, but thought about relocating there or TX a lot of different times.  As for right now I'm heading back to CO, and I'll love it as much as last time. . .
Parent - - By ctdconstruction (*) Date 08-14-2007 20:31
Where you headed in Co. ????-- I'm planning on leaving out on Sept. 1 - just wondering what they have going on up that way?
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 08-15-2007 00:31
I'm not rigged up at present.  In fact I'm getting ready to become a CWI right now.  Wyoming has more rig work than CO according to my circle of in-laws and outlaws.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 08-15-2007 16:49
Colorado's rig work is pretty much centralized around rifle. We moved from there last year because it was an absolute MADHOUSE.......

When we first came to Rifle it was up for grabs. You went out to a rig, did a good job, and everyone was happy. Now if you happen to get the call over every other tom dick and harry, they want to argue about the bill, treat you like shit, then never call you again untill 3am and they have exhausted every other source for a welder.......

Granted, I don't take any crap from these toolpushers, but you absolutely get what you pay for out in the field. The death rate is rising by the day......

If you want to go to Rifle, go for it. Check with these two main players: Todds Welding Inc. and Johns Welding. They will hire anybody with a pulse....

Good luck getting paid, oops did I say that??
Parent - - By tnhnt (***) Date 08-27-2007 23:48 Edited 08-27-2007 23:53
Hey Sourdough, have you heard of an outfit called Welder World Wide, I think thats what he calls himself. Office in Riffle and said that his name was Toby. DO you or have you heard of this guy and what he is like and if he pays his bills or not? Any info would be great...
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 08-29-2007 12:53
Weldit, worldwide.........Toby's a good guy. We all broke out together in Rifle.

Let me know how it goes.
Parent - By three tracks (*) Date 08-31-2007 02:55
i talked to Toby, seems like a pretty straight forward, honest guy. You said yall broke out together a couple years ago, he told me hes been in buisness for almost 13 years.... thanks for the lead. Ill let you know how this turns out.
Parent - By three tracks (*) Date 08-29-2007 04:11
you dont seem to be to fond of these two, is there anyone else worth talking to in rifle???? whats welder world wide???
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 09-02-2007 01:23
Gotta stress the death count in the patch. 5 bought it last week in the permian basin. Granted none were welders, but it is real easy to loose your life with the new and improved idiots in the patch. Everyone watch out and watch out for each other.
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 09-03-2007 02:21
Grew up in the permain basin and its one of the busiest areas for my business. The problems I see come from the roustabouts and the idiots who think they are welders just cause they have a machine in the back of a truck (I have no respect for stupid people!). Dont get me wrong its dangerous work but a true proffesional who does his job properly has as much of a chance getting killed in a car wreck as he does in the patch. "Do it right, do it lite. Do it wrong, do it long!"
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 09-04-2007 02:56
You haven't spent many 36 hour days in the patch...think before you speak.

Wanna know how many professional welders I have known that are now in a box 6 feet below the surface?
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