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Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-13-2007 00:02
Okay, so you are a concientious guy like me. My thread did not involve you or most of you, really. My rage went to those who called me something other than an honest, hardworking patriot. You guys are the core of this here site, and I respect you.

I'm glad everyone showed their true colors on this subject.........
Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 11-12-2007 13:45
Hey SD,
You need not defend yourself or apologize because you express your own personal opinion, ethics and patriotism...the 1st Amendment guarantees it. The subjects of war, politics, and religion always "stir the pot". We each have our own beliefs, goals, and what we feel regarding our country and the opportunities available to everyone. The absolute is that war is BIG BUSINESS!!!!! It always has been. Everyone works more during a war.....sad, but true. ALL business thrives and takes advantage of the profits rendered to supply the war effort. It is not in our hands, nor do we have the ability to change it, although there will be those who think we can. Government & big business work together to enhance their own greed and another absolute is the fact that there is no honor anywhere in the government. Those who tender their honor to try to make a difference are blown away or swept under the carpet of deceit. Not gonna change. I hustle as you do, make it while I can, live a comfortable life by engaging frugality, and maintain a minimal creation of waste. I pass on the increase costs to the is what is every facet of our economy.

You keep making it SD.....take it while it's available.....If you don't...someone else will!!!        Denny
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 11-12-2007 15:59
Sour Dough, Riddle me this. What do you want for all this? A medal or a chest to pin it on. What are you going to do when your arms are so tired you can't pat your self on the back anymore?
Parent - - By samh (**) Date 11-12-2007 18:08
Better save some of that money for retirement, insurance, etc. I make good money to but i know one day this boom will be over with and there will be repossessed welding rigs all over the country. I built me a nice house this year for me and my family and have a good bit of money in my 401k retirement plan for when i do retire or the bottom falls out. Of course i work with alot of local companies but they might go broke tommorrow never know. As far as 911 in concerned i would personally live broke and in a camper or tent for those innocent people to not have went through that mess. But i dont see it as americas fault that 911 happened and if theres money to be made make it. The money and work is good right now but it will come to an end one day
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-13-2007 00:06
Excellent, a man after my own aint kidding. After this boom. we're gonna see the difference between smart and dumb.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-13-2007 00:17
What I want from this is to be heard and for folks to know that this war is much more than it seems.

My arms dont reach around enough to slap my own back, (my arms are too big for that) , but they damn sure reach 36 " in front and to both sides of me.

Let me ask you this RonG: Are you financially set, (like you want to be)? If you say you are, you are either lying, or you went through the last boom and made a killing. If you went through the last boom and made a killing, you are where I will be in 5 years - try and stay with're rich.

If you went through the last boom and are not rich.......don't even talk to me - we have different IQ's.
Parent - - By spacing tool Date 11-13-2007 00:47
Sourdough, Seems like you like to pat youself on the back quite often. I have viewed some of your posts in the past. One of your posts was about how you had some of your welds xrayed. What is the big deal about coming out and shooting 10% of your welds. If you are a pipeline welder that is what is expected of you to make welds that are xray quality nothing more nothing less. You also posted how you tore into a xray hand because he called you on a gas pocket. Welders get repairs that comes with the job. You also complained how you do not like hippy rod. Again it is just a rod that you as a pipeline welder should be able to run when called upon to do so. Every job I work on you test if you make it you go to work. They are all 100% xray jobs. I have worked a welding rig since 1984. You said how you paid 64,000 dollars in taxes. That is what happens when you work contract. I have never worked my rig for contract. It is not any wonder you are paying all that tax. You are not contributing to a pension, annuity, insurance and I am sure you are paying penatlies to the goverment because you work contract and are not paying your federal,state and social sercurity when you are supposed to. Again if you think a 1000.00 dollars a day for you and your rig is great money then horray for you but when you have to buy your own consumables, fuel, take care of your taxes, insurance and whatever else I just do not see it. I would rather work for a fair contractor that contributes to my penison, annuity,and health insurance and does not exploit me as a American worker. I was working in New Jersey on 9/11 and seen the Twin Towers burning was not something I want to see ever again. The bottom fell out of the work there for awhile but I got by just as I always have. I kept my working princples in line and have always done the right which was right for me. Good luck to you I hope you make a pot full of money. Good Night
Parent - - By Root Pass (***) Date 11-13-2007 13:12
He's been a "poser" for a long time. JMO
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-17-2007 02:31
In prison there are a group of people. (not unlike yourself), called jailhouse warriors. While the cells are locked and nobody can get to the next guy, plenty of big words are said, and poor souls that don't have the smarts to keep their mouths shut commit to a life that will be the everyday misery they encounter for the rest of their sentence.When the cell doors open, the fellas that are about anything take care of the cell warriors in one  way or another through out the year, or life of the warrior.

The internet is a wonderful place for such cell warriors. They can say whatever they want, no matter how disrespectful, and not have to feel the wrath of the one subjected. My hat is off to you Root Pass. You are truly a warrior.......
Parent - - By Root Pass (***) Date 11-17-2007 23:36
Didn't mean to touch a nerve SD. And thank you 5 years in the USMC did make me a warrior.  Semper Fi.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-18-2007 19:02
Ah well, I spose this site is designed for some disagreements. No poser here though.........
Parent - - By Root Pass (***) Date 11-18-2007 20:45
Never thought you were (just boastful). We are the same age I thought you would appreciate some sarcasm and language from our generation.

"A prudent man conceals knowledge,but the heart of fools proclaims foolishness." Proverbs 12:23  LOL
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-20-2007 03:05
C'mon man..the last time I heard the word poser was in my skater days, mid 80's. At that time it was a fighting word, and seldom heard unless there was going to be a fight. I don't even pretend to be the best out there. My dad always told me to remember that "there is always someone tougher or smarter than you". I have always believed that. But he always told me "take a whippin or give a whippin, you will always be remebered as a fighter"............spose he was pretty right on that one. And you're right: a foolish man only waits for someone to get done talking so he can take his turn. A wise man listens...........

Many times I brag on this site, it's a fact. Maybe this is the only place I can do so.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-17-2007 02:40
spacing tool:

Of course I have had xrays throughout my career. I am new to pipeline and never have denied it.

Jomax - pre fab, 100% xray - all passing. 20", 30" 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, and 2"

And, again swab rig, 2 welding rigs, and earth moving equipment.

The guys that started this site are laughing right now. I'm always available for weddings, or b-days.......
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 11-13-2007 13:01
Not the least bit interested in your financial status Sourdough. My bills are paid and I have a comfortable retirement set up when I decide to do so. Not financially rich and don't care to be just secure and comfortable.

Rich? Oh you bet! I have 5 of the prettiest granddaughters a man can ask for and 3 grand sons that think I am Superman and they are all Super boys.

I don't and I have not done any production welding in many years (I do plenty around the property and for my neighbors) but I have provided opportunities and trained many young men (never had a female applicant) to break in to the field of welding. A few of them took the bit and ran with it, a couple moved to Engineering and one into Metallurgy.

So maybe you have the greater IQ for making money than me but I really don't care as I have already stated. I was just curious what you were trying to say in your original post.

I served in a war and if I gained any thing from it, I gained an understanding of  the value of life and what I want out of it and how I want to be remembered.
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 11-14-2007 01:31
I am with you Ron, a mans wealth is best measured by the strength he gives his family, the friends he has gathererd around himself and the respect he recieves from his peers. Money is'nt everything just nice to have around, how much you need is in the eye of the beholder. As SD has been kind enough to point out I'm a bit of an underachiever so luckly I shouldn't need that much.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-20-2007 03:10
makeithot : You are correct in exclaiming the importance of family and friends...........

Okay, I'm an ass for saying the word underachiever.
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 11-24-2007 22:41
SD, No worries been around to long now to let a few heated words upset me to badly. Not sur if it's because of the thick skin, being bull headed or a combination of both but rest assured it's like water off a ducks back, I can take it in most cases better then I dish it out. All in good fun LOL.
Parent - By cwf07 (***) Date 11-17-2007 01:04 Edited 11-17-2007 01:29
Fuel is breaking me I been using $80.00 a day. Would some one please tell me why diesal is higher than gas.
Parent - By cwf07 (***) Date 11-17-2007 01:25 Edited 11-17-2007 01:31
I agree with Sourdough, I love the USA. But it is getting in bad shape when outsiders have more rights than the people that was born here or come here the right way.I work everyday (7) pay taxes obey the law. I make a good living for my family.But when work gets slow my wife well cut back on or what every it takes. Then you see young healty people driving nice cars, nice houses, not working a damn bit and I am paying for it. That make me mad. I don't have alot but everything that me and my family got we got it honest and the old fashion way.
Parent - - By MBlaha (***) Date 12-19-2007 14:34
have not been around this forum for a while, looks like I will not be back for a while.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 12-19-2007 21:23
see ya bla bla.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 12-20-2007 06:31
I do'nt understand why some in this thread are exhibiting themselves like nothing more than a bunch of high school juvenile delinquents instead of acting like a bunch of professionals that most of us are???

Look!!! If you want to go at each other, do it through private messages so that the rest of us do'nt have to read such crap!!! I'm not going to mention any names or single out anyone because, at times, my behavior was less than acceptable, and I had an excuse of being on some medications that could cause extreme mood swings on my personality!!!

So to say that I'm the best example of how to behave here, would be dishonest, and I'm perfectly allright with admitting my shortcomings in the past... However today, I try to set the BEST POSITVE example possible at a level that it becomes contagious!!! Guess what??? It most definitely works, and mutual respect becomes the norm!!!  Honor is everywhere in the air!!! People get along, and things get done!!! People begin to learn from one another!!! People that are total strangers, band together, and help a struggling person and their family out!!!  Alot of things POSITIVE happen on a daily basis!!! That's what this FORUM is about - PERIOD!!!

If you want to behave like children then, I suggest that you find another place in cyberspace that condones that sort of behavior or else start acting like the real professional that you dream about becoming!!!

BTW. If you think otherwise then the moderator, and the administrators will hear from the rest of us who try to respect the rules and regulations of this FORUM!!! They will enforce the necessary discipline on all of you that violate the rules of decorum in here!!!

Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 11-13-2007 18:19
I stayed out of this one for several reasons.  I guess first and foremost that this thread would probably find a better home in the Off-Topic section.   Or maybe the R and R section of the local Craig's List board.  Anyway, I suppose I may as well put in my 2 cents' worth to this one, although some of you folks won't like it.  I didn't open this can of worms, but I'll fish with it.

Welders are curious critters.  For 20 years in the Navy, I saw welders with more pride (and many with that pride in an ego made of glass) than should be allowed by law.  I quickly learned that welders, in general (remember I said that please) feel that unless they can brag, they just can't measure up.  Now, I never tried to take anything away from anyone who bragged a little on a job well done; it's human nature and dammit it feels good.  So, over the years I put all the welders, myself included, into three neat little classes; those who say it and do it, those who do it and say little or nothing, and those who say it and can't do it.  Personally, I like to put myself in check and stay in that middle class.  If you have so much time to talk yourself up, then when did you ever have time to do what you're bragging on?  That said, on to the premise of this thread, and what I hope is a somewhat coherent response.

The war on terror has had many consequences for many people and not all of it good, of course.  Thousands of our kids, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers and grandchildren gave their lives for it; thousands more are over there in the "sandbox," still at risk every day.  What does it mean to you that there are people in the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan right this minute, waiting for that next bullet or bomb, so the rest of us here can make the big bucks and face nothing more hazardous than the morning rush hour?  Are we being opportunistic, or are we just doing what we've learned all along, to ply our trade and do the best we can at it?  I like think the latter; in a society we all have a role to play, and there are the doers and there are the thinkers.  If not for us in the trades, where would our war effort be today?  What it boils down to in this case is, if SD isn't out on the rig burning, then that's one small part of America that's not working.  A dozen SDs decide that they're not going to weld that pipe and a dozen rigs are down for the day, the week.  But he's there, going to work probably 6 or 7 days a week, keeping the oil flowing that means one less barrel we have to buy from Over There.  And at the same time, yes, he gets paid.  He gets paid because the work he does is worth it, every penny. 

Every time you see that guy, the one who "can't" work because of this or that excuse, that's American potential right in the gutter.  So if a guy who works his butt off for a good living want's to brag it up a little, so be it.  I got no problem with that.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-17-2007 02:14
Bozak - Thank You!  There are a bunch of people who either don't know or have forgotten what is like to really work your a## off from day to day...

And I have to clarify this for those who don't put 2 and 2 together....I do NOT do this all for the money. I do this for me, the man who sees his face in the mirror every day. The man who cannot sleep if something he does just isn't right. The man who has a family to take care of. THE MAN WHO HAS DEAR FRIENDS IN IRAQ AT THIS VERY SECOND!

You people that sit behind a desk or a steering wheel need to remember what it was like when you were at the business end of a shovel, then tell me what a jerk I am..........

Plain and simple - this war, (like any other war) has both created conflict, death, bad relations, AND work. That's all I am saying.
Parent - - By d-on Date 11-26-2007 17:51 Edited 11-26-2007 17:54
I have read this whole string and I must say you are amazing. For a young man to live on the western slope and acheive so much. I lived in Rifle for a long time and I know how fragile the economy is there for real people who have real jobs. I left while I was still in school and the world opened up to me. I think what really ruffled peoples fur on this one was your approach man. No one likes to be called unpatriotic in this great country, that's understandable. You also need to realize that this country isn't made up of people just like you, there are people in this country that have come from every part of the globe all for the same reason. It is better here. Yes we all need a little bit of cowboy in us, just like after 9/11. We all felt the need to cowboy up, and that is where our strength and prosperity comes from. Yes there are dirty rotten people out there who will do all they can to exploit. I don't believe you are out there to exploit but to contribute, it is what our country needs. Does it pay, yes it does. The work needs to get done and there are fewer and fewer people out there that can do it, therefore the $ goes up. Do I agree with everything our govt does? Nope. But I do believe in AMERICANS. When we come together we are the get it done bunch, and we need to remember that only if we are together will it get done, hence, "UNITED WE STAND". Dont appologize ever for being the best you can be, it is what we all need but remeber that there is always someone better than us at something even if it is just 1 thing. You came off bragadocious about how much you make and I was a bit embarrassed for you, but I know who you are and where you come from and it makes you top notch. Just remember that ther are people out here who do what you do, some better and some worse but we are all trying to do the same thing. Live up to the value we place on ourselves, provide for our families, have a decent life, fish a little, work in an ever expanding economy where we have to worry about what is going on in China. So work hard, drink some, have a great steak, kiss the wife and hold the kids and then get after it again at 4 tomorrow morning. We working together will make our country what it can be, it is ours to do. Our parents did it before us and now we can't let them down. Learning how to work with other people who may not fit exactly what you think an American should be today is a must, learn what you can and it will help you respect them. You may not ever like them but if you respect them you will get farther in this life. God Bless.
Parent - By 52lincoln (***) Date 11-26-2007 22:28
**AMEN**, food 4 thought!!
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 11-26-2007 22:56
To be honest I was just trying to get a rise out of you Sourdough it seemed like a good opportunity. A man in your position should not have thin skin.

The thing about this forum is its like being in a dark room and all you get is the words with out the benefit of vocal inflections or facial expressions.

I really was not trying to offend but I really don't care if I did either, because you opened the door and left it open.

I do not begrudge you or any one else the opportunity to better your self in the least. Fact is I am glad for you and your family more power to you.

Just remember not every one can be in the right place at the right time with the right stuff. A little humility mixed with boastful words never hurts.

A couple days before you started this string my oldest daughter needed some one to drive her to the Doctor and back home and I took the day off just so I could do it. She was having a skin cancer removed near her eye and was not able to drive herself.

Where we went was to the Houston medical center for cancer (a very large place). In my war time experience I seen a lot of the unimaginable things we can do to each other and being in that waiting room took me right back and to the MASH I spent a month in. Only most of these folks never got the opportunity to be a loud mouth smart ass punk like I had been. Hell I only lost a big toe and that's just I minor inconvenience at times.

You got the world by the short hairs man; you don't have to defend your self. Just know  that when you start flaunting it some one is going to take a swipe at you if for no other reason than to watch your reaction.
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