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Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-13-2008 16:57
Well said Superflux. Especially the part about not quoting the code.

Parent - - By arrowside (**) Date 04-14-2008 23:18
I definitely want to transition to inspection. I did the CWI seminar, exam, lodging, etc. all on my own dime, with the intent being to make more money. I have a wife, 3yr. old son, and another on the way May 21. I would like to make the switch so that the wife can stay home for awhile. The problem is that there just doesn't seem to be any CWI jobs in this area, unless you want to travel for extended periods. I'm sure that you guys know all about this.

    However, there's a 99% probability that i will be interviewed at the end of the month for an instructor-type position. A fairly large company that is VERY close to home, is having a mass retirement of welders coming in the next three years. Their business is booming, and they can't find guys that can pass tests. So they are being pro-active and setting up a training facility, and they need someone that can get these guys through without busting. I would not get this opportunity without having my CWI.

    Now, I know what your thinking. I don't beleive that they actually have an inspection lab. As far as i know, I will not be doing the inspections. Just the mentoring. And getting CWI coin. They say that it's a 10 yr. position minimum.

   I got a letter from them the other day. Here is an excerpt:

        "The person chosen for this position
will be a key factor in developing the matrix/training plan for these
employees and working with them.  Start giving some thought as to how/what
you would do to get this done.  Keep in mind that you would know the skill
level of the employee from their written and weld tests."

       Obviously, I have a lot of questions that i need answered before I answer their request. Oh, the joy of it all.......................

Parent - By arrowside (**) Date 04-14-2008 23:28
Thanks for the advice and well wishes superflux.
Parent - By soilschick (*) Date 04-15-2008 03:41
Arrowside, this sounds like a great opportunity.  You may not be making inspections on jobsites, but you will contribute so much more as an educator.  You have the knowledge and experience of welding.  The future welders will need an experienced guide to help them become better in the trade.  Also, congrats on your second child.  This will also enable you to be closer to your family.  Whatever you decide, I wish you luck.
Parent - - By Richard Cook (**) Date 04-17-2008 13:27
You will do well, based on our banter, remember to look both ways before you cross.

We are having a heck of a time finding qualified fitter/welders here, and schools are dropping programs left and right. I actually sit in on two school boards to help keep them active in our trade. Employers are just starting to get involved with the issue, they are starting to realize that a qualified individual does make a difference. My company has been a big supporter of me in my efforts outside the job, I just wish they would do more in house.

Good Luck
Parent - By arrowside (**) Date 04-18-2008 01:10
Thank You Woody and soilschick. It sure is interesting in our field right now. Anyone who says that they are a welder and can't find a job either needs to relocate or get more training. At least, that's my perspective. In the area I live in, it seems that "jobs" abound, but the bigger companies have either left or downsized, leaving "careers" difficult to come by. I'm looking for that "career" position, where I can inspect, manage, train etc. I keep feeling like I'm getting closer, just need that "break". Or, maybe I need to relocate. I'm walking away now, scratching my head and mumbling to myself..............................LOL
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