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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Shad trying to avoid work !!!!
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Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 06-28-2010 13:48
Dang Shad... Is that what was going on..???  Were You were fixing your hair up good so you would look cool while using old Cactus's Vantage..???

   I knew there was a good reason for hitting that pole..!!!

Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 06-29-2010 02:37
nah i dont care what my hair looks like as for using his machine i could of just faked machine problems and ran his which i should of mine looses heat so now i know what to do next time im going to look at a mchine tomorrow yeah i know fix the truck big deal it looks like hell but i dont care the truck dont mnake money my hand does and that requires a machine that dont loose heat
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 06-29-2010 03:53
Man you got to get one of those AWESOME Miller Bluestar's...  Nothing will make old Cactus slobber with envy like pulling up on a job with a pimped out Bluestar...!!!!   LOL..

Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 06-29-2010 06:25
BLUESTAR? Are you nuts? No millers allowed in the back of my truck or on any of my trailers. No way no how. Only thing pimped out on my truck would be a reface
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 06-29-2010 14:40 Edited 06-29-2010 14:43
LMAO...!!!!  Ok if you cant warm up to a good High end ( P R O ) stamp 1990 Miller Bluestar... Just head down to Tractor Supply and get you a good Hobart with a Little Kohler engine...  That wont make Cactus quite as jealous but he may still think of ditching his Vantage to run it..  LOL

   Im sure I can find the answer to this question on here somewhere else but why the Redface over a green light machine.. I had a green light machine but I had to sell it before I got to run it much... I had to have it rewound but then work was slow so I had to sell it..

   I dont know much about the old 200s other than they are well loved by almost everyone.... Im finding a way to suffer through the pain of running my Vantage 400 right now....  So far Im hooked on it... I think I will stick with it till one of us dies..  LOL

Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 06-29-2010 20:21
To me the radfcae digs and stacks better the puddle is not as watery and it lays down a slick looing bead with this green light i have it wont stack 5p for shyt unless i run it real cold and the l/h is like welding w water its to hot for my liking heres an example i'm running 1/8 l/h on 2nd gear and 45 1/8 5p at 2nd gear and 50 on all the redfaces i ever had it was 30 gear and 40 for everything except 5/32 and 3/16 rods then i would jump to forth this machine is just damned hot i checked my finances today and i cant buy the machine i found so i'm gonna hsve to suffer longer with this 1until i get the money to swap the barrels i have everything i need but gotta pay the guy to switch them he said it can be done in a day with both of us working on it we'll see
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