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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Keystone Pipeline stopped by 0bama
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Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 11-28-2011 22:06
I think we should all give him a 50k of our checks and relect him. He came through on his statement on "Change" But he never stated that it was for the better.  The line will go through. I worked on the orginal keystone line and it took a few years for them to get the polotics out of the way before production started. Watching our U.S government is like watching loonytunes on saturday with my kids.

I think ethenol is a start in a new direction not saying its better but it is a place to start.  Take note Brazil has a pretty good handle on it and there energy independant.

It doesnt realy matter if obama laden approves of it. Public interest will over ride.  All the big oil companies are in the back pocketts of goverment anyway.

Futher more its just a line of pipe BFD. People act like this is a game changer and its not. I live in Oklahoma and can send you a picture of this line cause I live a quarter mile from it and I do not know of one person that worked on this line locally. If you think that this is going to supply local jobs and money to rural comunities you got another thing coming. No rods are bought from the LWS. Feul is transported in. A few farmers make a dollar or two for ROW royalties. But other than than that they got these big lines pretty streamlined and 90 percent of the money divided out goes right back into the big corporations. So who realy cares if this line goes through. Let Canada keep their oil. Big Deal. I'd rather be independant of Canada and work my own ground.
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 11-29-2011 02:11

The last article I read stated that right now, Canada is the largest supplier of crude to the U.S.

If Canada keeps their oil, it may  well  be a big deal.

Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 11-29-2011 16:36 Edited 11-29-2011 16:49

You are absolutely right. What I probably should have stated is that the Oil has got to come from somewhere and if its not Canada. Maybe more pressure will be put in to opening up our own resources.

That would creat jobs and stimulate local business. I just dont see alot of jobs being created by this one magical line. If the line comes through thats great but my feelings aint gonna be hurt if it dosent.
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 11-29-2011 23:25
I think you are right on the money.

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Keystone Pipeline stopped by 0bama
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