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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Bay Bridge welds
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Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 06-29-2014 01:42
I find this subject about the Bay Bridge fascinating! How can one of the most advanced countries in the world allow a piece of **** to be built and pay thru the nose as well?
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 06-29-2014 01:44
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 06-29-2014 01:50
Whats a "rejectable transverse crack-like indications"? Is that not a crack?
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 06-29-2014 10:23
"rejectable transverse crack-like indications"?

Naaahhh, thems is jist yer everyday, run of the mill linear indications. Cracks are crack and lines are, well....

I for one am NOT driving over that bridge.
Parent - By Northweldor (***) Date 06-29-2014 13:36
It sounds so much better when you call it a "Tli"!
Parent - - By Northweldor (***) Date 06-29-2014 13:38 Edited 06-29-2014 13:46
Read at least the first 20 pages of 46:00's post of report info.!
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 06-30-2014 03:56
Seriously, you could not make this crap up!
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-30-2014 08:15
Here are some more stories by The Sacremento Bee:

What a Cluster*uck! Another example of "dirty money being the root of all evil." What really surprises me is that AB would get involved with such a mess and resulting in ruining their once stellar reputation.:surprised::roll::sad:

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Bay Bridge welds
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