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Parent - By Black Wolf (**) Date 08-31-2008 02:17
Glad you enjoyed the tour.

It's the least I could do considering all of you on here readily post pictures of your own units.

I have quite a database of pictures now from this and other sites.

Neat, neat stuff.
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 08-31-2008 23:42
as promised
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 09-01-2008 04:39
thanks alot jesco pressure. VERY CLEAN Welding truck. i really like your set up.
Parent - - By K.Sexton26 (**) Date 09-02-2008 06:29
jescopressure, did you cut some length off of your frame? or is it stock length. if so how much did you take off thats a sharp rig! i've noticed all canadian rigs are setup like that.
Parent - By JescoPressure (**) Date 09-03-2008 16:03
no cutting frame, I brought the back of the deck just past the stock frame rails
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 09-06-2008 03:31
Ok..kinda new at posting pics so, here goes.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 09-06-2008 03:46
HOLEEE!! Sorry guys, had no idea it would come out THAT big!!.  And had no idea aluminum shined so much either.
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 09-08-2008 01:54
bob. damn nice rig. soooo shiny! you could see yourself to shave every morning.
Parent - By up-ten (***) Date 09-08-2008 02:19
Too funny Darin! But when I see my reflection, it's like looking at those funhouse mirrors at the fair. And it ain't too flattering. Thanks for the compliment.
Parent - - By K.Sexton26 (**) Date 09-06-2008 04:00
up-ten thats very nice, what brand of reels and were did you get? them i like them alot
Parent - By Black Wolf (**) Date 09-06-2008 07:06

By the looks of your remote reels and the front of your welder, you have been to see Jeff at Weld Alert!!!  I have the same remote from him for my Ranger.  Nice Stuff.

For shrinking pictures, if you have Windows XP - Go to the Microsoft PowerToys and download the Image Resizer.  It is safe, I have been using it for almost two years now.  You can re-size a single picture, or an entire file with just a right click to the drop down menu.

Kevin - Cable reels are ShellRyn.  I posted their website in this thread.
Parent - By snuffman (***) Date 09-06-2008 04:02
Thats a sharp looking rig.
Parent - - By stanantonio Date 09-20-2008 05:48 Edited 09-20-2008 06:29
i thought i was one of the few who had shelryan reels but then i see your alberta tags
Parent - By up-ten (***) Date 09-20-2008 15:17
If your in Alberta you would be one of the many who own them. Where are you out of? Although they're a good practical reel, I've been eyeballin' the Alumareels. My ShellRyns have been slippin'  and I have to keep tightening them even after a little ride.
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 09-06-2008 07:44
looking good. Like the gas door?  I did the same thing on the top of my aux. tank ,you cant build a gas door that looks that sweet let alone for the 40 bucks they cost at jbs. Where did you mount your bottles?
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 09-06-2008 16:18
Thanks guys. The reels I bought  from an outfit called Shell-Ryn out of Brooks,Alberta and I believe they have a website under the same name.They're about 7 years old and showing some age.            Jessco.. I've got some advice  on downsizing pics so you'll see where my bottles are. Yeah,I was glad they managed to save the gas door off my box and mount it on the deck but now the fuel hose to the tank is at a different angle and fueling up is a trick. It'll take the fuel fast but with me holding the fuel nozzle half out of the hole.  Thanks again for the compliments guys.
Parent - By up-ten (***) Date 09-07-2008 16:33
Ok, got this  pic sizing figured..I hope.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 09-08-2008 00:02
Posted more pics(finally) for you and to check out where the bottles went. Hows the work situation?
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 09-08-2008 01:24
i like that rig of yours, yours and mine are pretty similar in design. So called dispatcher at rhyasson and told me to come up for a company orientation and might put me to work next week on a job just outside FSJ but he might be blowing smoke up my ass plus its 30 days after invoice before they pay so you could work for awhile before seeing and $. I dont know if I really want to drive up in the morning just for that but i wouldnt mind stopping in GP on the way back and talking to ipac.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 09-08-2008 02:31 Edited 09-08-2008 02:34
Thanks man. I'll be heading to Smoky Lake with Cobra on a TCPL Compressor station on the 23rd this month.It was Hanna but things changed. Maybe take some shine off this rig of mine up there too!.I haven't heard of rhyasson yet. Are they pipeline and facility?  Whew boy! 30 days after invoice would be too long for this cat. And the last time  (and I MEAN the last time '97) I was up at FSJ, this outfit would hold back 10% of invoice until you registered with BC  WCB. Do you know if companies up there are still doing that kinda crap?
Parent - - By hurricunning (*) Date 09-08-2008 03:24
Phoenix out of Whitecourt Alberta tried to pull that WCB holdback on me a couple of years ago - it is not just in BC.  But yea, Rhyason is kinda famous for that too.
Parent - By Black Wolf (**) Date 09-08-2008 04:45
Forgive me butting in here, but WCB holdbacks are nothing new or province specific.  Although annoying, be thankful that they only hold back a percentage.  Companies I have worked for in the past would file quarterly for WCB clearance to make sure it was still in effect, or you received no paycheque at all, and you weren't allowed on site.
Parent - By JescoPressure (**) Date 09-08-2008 04:31
I'd take smoky over hanna anyday ;) Cobra busy? They called me last winter saying they were hard up for a stainless tig welder for a shutdown and then asked if  i would go up by hand. I told her that is probably why you are hard up ;p  and to call me when they wanted my truck but never called me  again oh well .
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 08-31-2008 01:46
are you ever going to post pics of your finished bed.
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 08-31-2008 03:56
sorry slipped my mind i'll get some in the sun tommorow but i'll have to use my phone, camera is done:)
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 08-31-2008 23:58
Pretty darn nice jessco, pretty darn friggin' nice!! I'll know now who's sparkling truck at showgirls that is.LOL
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 09-01-2008 00:23
going to work right away?
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 09-01-2008 00:45
Heading south by Hanna 23rd Sept. Compressor station for TCPL and if there's any spots do you want in?
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 09-03-2008 16:09
always looking;) I just got back from FSJ its pretty busy up ther right now . I went to ryasson , core , gaslink , patch point . Some mainline , some compressors, couple facility jobs. But theres alot of guys up there already too so im not holding my breath but my buddy from there is out with ryasson and the guy that dispatches told me to call him today  i know they did a big facility job around Fox Creek in the winter.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 09-03-2008 23:52
Right on. I got my truck back yesterday from the truck body shop. Hohleee, is it shiny. I don't think I can post pics, it's sparkley. I just came in the house from putting stuff back on and after putting cables and other gear on, she still needs a leaf. I mean it's not that noticeable but it's that little bit that will bug me later on. So Fox Creek or the "John" this winter? Whatever pays the bills and keeps the wolves from the door,eh?  I wanted to ask you about how you're keeping your cables from becoming "crack fodder"?
Parent - By JescoPressure (**) Date 09-04-2008 21:32
crossed fingers right now:)
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 08-30-2008 20:43
My Vantage 400 is 36 1/2" high. V300's and V400's are in the frame/same outside demensions.

My 1980 SA-200 is 37" high. 200's and 300D's again same frame/outside demensions.

That's 1/2" not 8".
That machine is so high I'd have that truck upside down the first week. Most pipeline beds in this country (U.S.) set the machine down as low into the bed as possible.

Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 08-30-2008 21:30
I've always wondered why you guys set your machines so low. Is it because....?
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 08-30-2008 23:49
Low center of gravity for those high speed corners :)

It help's a lot on those slow speed off road situations when you have a wheel in the air as well.

Turning over ruins your day.

Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 08-30-2008 23:56
Oh, ok. long have you been runnin' a Vantage 400? I bought one back in Jan. and it hasn't let me down nor do I expect it to.
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 08-31-2008 03:30
I just bought it.

Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 08-31-2008 03:54
Pipeliner 200D
Weight:1311 lbs. (595 kgs. )
Dimensions (in) H x W x D : 45.5 x 24.0 x 68.0

Vantage 300 Kubota
Weight:1035 lbs. (469 kgs. )
Dimensions (in) H x W x D : 35.9 x 25.3 x 60.0

with my bottles underneath im just slightly higher than the cab, she's plenty stable.Im also running 2 extra leafs in the back it was sitting higher because no tools or bottles , cables, etc. , it has dropped a couple inches. Did you see the new vantage 500 coming out ? Same cases as a vantage3 and 4, turbo'ed cummins;)
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 08-31-2008 04:42
Those dimensions are wrong. Like I said, 1/2" difference. They are wrong on the width as well. A Vantage is 2"+ wider than a 200/300 frame, and even more when you take the door into account, and even more when you consider that the door swings out some to slide sideways.
I had a guy I know with a Vantage 300 put a tape measure to his machine when I was building this bed, and left room for a Vantage in case I decided to buy one. I still ended up with a close fit.

Vantage 500's have been out for several years, are you saying it's a new and improved version.
A friend of mine has had one for at least 4 or 5 years.

I see all the Canadian trucks have the machine up in the air, plus those tall boxes up in the front.
We build them a bit more low profile here. Weight carried as low as practical. Plus I (and a lot of other guys) tow 5th wheel trailers, lower is better.

Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 08-31-2008 07:25
nope new Vantage 500 same size as the 300 and 400 , smaller engine but turboed to keep hp levels the same the lincoln dealer gave me the pamphlet a couple weeks ago looks pretty sweet but ithink i'll give it a year for them to work out the bugs, being released shortly. Old ones were bigger. My trailer is a bumper tow and so is my utility trailer so not really an issue for me:)
Parent - By JTMcC (***) Date 08-31-2008 21:17
I don't even need a V400, I certainly don't need a V500. I'd of bought a V300 but my old machine sold in the middle of a job and a V300 and 300D were 10 days out but I could get a V400 the next day, SOLD! It can't hurt to have some extra horsepower tho so I'm happy.

But if they get a 600 amp machine in that case it should really appeal to the heavy equipment type welders.

I don't see how they could get the VMax compressor and air dryer jammed in that size frame tho. My buddy has the AirVantage and works it (and a Commander 500) to death daily.

Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 08-31-2008 13:19
No he is right on the dimensions I just went and measured mine.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 08-31-2008 04:53
Hey Jessco, does your deck list unevenly after you set your machine on it?  Mine is, but only an inch lower on the passenger side. When I look at the lift lug of the machine its about 4 inches towards the passenger side of the deck and not in the center. It ends up that way because of where my cable spools are mounted. The shop thats working on this says they can slide the machine back some, but that will make it a tight fit at the cable spools. And if that doesn't work out ,it's been suggested to add a spring leaf to the passenger side. And it's finally being polished up this weekend and ready for pick-up Tues.AM.
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 08-31-2008 07:28
i'd get them to throw springs on both sides, i bet one leaf would make all the difference. Mine sits pretty even but i balance it with my acet. on the back side of the machine. Get some pics up of that puppy:)
Parent - By up-ten (***) Date 08-31-2008 15:50
Had two leafs thrown on when the Vantage was bought,just hate to go back again. When I go in Tues. I'll see how they made out. And I'll be postin' pics too!   texwelder..I don't know why decks are built they way they are up here, maybe it's a weather issue during the winter months.(6 to 7 months sometimes) Or, as the old cliche goes,"that's just the way we've always done it".
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 08-31-2008 03:48
Well I just set my vantage on my custom made low-profile bed today, looks a lot better when there low, glad I built it that way, I think they are cleaner and slicker lookin. Should get it painted next week I hope.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 08-31-2008 04:59
Yeah, I agree with you texwelder 'cause they do have that nice low profile look. But, to my eye, how do you get at your machine for a repair. And is the bottom of the machine protected from mud and debris from flying up from underneath?
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 08-31-2008 13:24
Well the vantage is solid on the bottom, but I have a square hole in the bed under the machine, for my sa-250, you wont get much mud and dirt up there right in the middle of the truck, I had my stuff on a trailer one time so I could leave it on the job, never got mud or dirt under the machine and was sittin on two rails of angle iron
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 09-01-2008 02:59
Post pics of your bed when you get
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 08-31-2008 14:41
send pics txwelder
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