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Parent - - By PipeIt (**) Date 10-07-2008 10:18
Whoa! I just had a visual of the 500 mounting the Bobcat!:)
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 10-07-2008 21:00
OHHH what a vision!!!!
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-05-2008 22:32
I remember those days all too well as does my wife and kids.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Sberry (***) Date 10-06-2008 13:56
You mean this wont get it?
Attachment: littlewelder500.JPG (34k)
Attachment: littlewelder6.JPG (0B)
Attachment: Sa2003.JPG (34k)
Attachment: SA200finished.JPG (39k)
Parent - By Sberry (***) Date 10-06-2008 14:58
I repaired a big water tank in a factory a while back and I took both machines. I let the hired help run the 200 and I used the little one, 16 hp Briggs on it. I have a bigger fuel tank that goes on it and we were running 5/32 lo-hi, must have had 100 ft of lead. I am not sure how long it would last but at one point I burn a can of rod as fast as humanly possible to put them in the stinger, put a dozen electrodes in one hand so I don't need to reach for them, not so much as a burp with it, had lots more to go without breaking a sweat. Heck one job we hook a 55 gallon drum to it for fuel. It was running a well pump, shut it down every couple days to check the oil, change it every couple of barrels. Maybe 300 hrs or so of run time. My SA has a POS Prestolite distributer in it that has caused a couple problems but that weldan power is the best portable I ever own especially considering the cost, about 1600 when I bought it. My neighbor used it this weekend to weld a patch on a tank, long time career welder, says the same thing, great running little machine. I have another small footprint Linc I carry on my truck, I think this one welds better. This isn't disputing the need for bigger and better but I am never scared to take it anywhere, starts, runs, sparks come out the stinger as long as you can hold on to it or until it runs out of gas. 
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-06-2008 16:20
Hello................................I think I'm lost. Can someone direct me back to the bar?
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 10-07-2008 00:09
lets go to the OFFTOPIC bar, shad ! and have a cold one!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / I AM LOST???????
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