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Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-30-2009 13:21
Well, the thread certainly ran off track... it went off quite a ways from pipe welding and the round plate vs pipe topic....
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-30-2009 16:39
Sorry about that john!!! I just had to let everyone know what kind of thinking was behind the name "Donkey Blank" :) :) :) I also do understand why you deleted my post as I expected you to do so when you read what the phrase meant so, my plan worked out pretty good, don't you think??? I agree that we don't need to express ourselves in here the way we do in the OTBG so, you will not get any whining or complaining of any sort from me for deleting the post at all!!! :) :) :)

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-30-2009 12:14
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-30-2009 12:17
Hey DONKEY D**K..... here's one for you.

And another one...

And last but not least...

Parent - By tnhnt (***) Date 11-04-2009 04:29
I can't even piece together what he is even trying to say. Maybe I can get my 13 year old to translate it for me?
Parent - By downhandonly (***) Date 10-30-2009 15:34
Parent - By tim105 (**) Date 10-30-2009 01:06
He might have relatives or friends that can help him out as far as welding goes, but most inspectors see right through green welders.
What can happen is, when the bill collector starts calling, there might be a new welding machine for sale at a discount. And yes I would buy another Vantage machine! Cactus is not the only one that is proud of his machine. I wouldn't trade mine for any other machine out there.
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 10-30-2009 04:24
Pipehead, I haven sat here and read all the post on this. It is people like that who are killing the rig jobs. They buy there machines, prolly dont even know how to change the oil in them, throw them in a 1/2 ton truck and drive around looking for work. Now when they or if they get on a job, they dont get out of their cozy little ford ranger or what ever they are in. And when he/she has to make a weld, they BITC* and WINE about it, and say "Why can you get the other welders to do it?"  And as well, they have garbage HS teachers watching youtube videos teahing him to teach his calls how to weld and have no clue on what the hell to do. This is ******** time we are in and I think it might not get any better! But I really really REALLY hope I am wrong, cause I want to work! The end.
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 10-30-2009 04:38
Glad someone see's my point!
Parent - - By Johnyutah (**) Date 10-30-2009 14:24
Man I saw your point from the start I have more than one truck that sits due to that shi*. Plus people find out that I hire rig welders and I get every clown with a machine showing up at the yard telling me that they are the best. The place where I buy all my pipe and fittings will not sell to you unless you are a journey man plumber or a contractor. I think it would be great if there were a lot more places like that that wouldn't sell equipment to unqualified people. Now here it comes well how are they supposed to learn then my answer it's not that hard start as a helper and work your way up. I have started out many guys that run there own trucks now and they started as a helper after a while they welded shop stuff then in only a mater of a year or so they were running a truck on simple jobs. But the point is this the whole time they are getting paid to learn instead of just making a mess. And for the record I was one of the guys who was welding at 12 and had good people to teach me and could have jumped right in to anything at 18. But I chose to do a complete four year apprentice ship so I could be more than just a welder and still feel that it is the right way to do it.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 10-30-2009 16:17 Edited 10-30-2009 16:31
Not to stir this pot any more than it's been stired but reading all this was a real DeJa Vo.

A while back a poster here called Sourdough started a much similar thread with pretty much the same results.

Sourdough...."Been a long while since I put my 2 cents on this site, but your original post took me back to a thread I posted back when I was new to the forum......

I live in the land of "screw everybody, they won't sue you. And then wait a couple years and do it again".  Rifle, Colorado.

You are going through what I have been going through for a long while; competing with every half wit, half assed, cut throat, 2nd rate, cheating, lieing, junk iron scab welder that decided to throw a bunch of shi* in the back of his piece of shi* pick-up and come here for a slice of the pie.

Most of them stick around long enough to get a check or two, screw up your normal business relations, do very poor work that is not acceptable even to a rancher, then skip to the next town and do the same thing to the next guy that has devoted his life to quality welding and fabrication.

It is the equivalent of a veterinarian, doing a heart transplant for a third of the get what you get. Sorry you are having this trouble, I can relate. I haven't found a solution for the scabs, I really haven't. I used to waive at every other welder around her, but not anymore. When they pass me, I just wonder how they are going to stick it to the next guy. Probably a guy just like you or I.

Some people on this site think that "it's just business" to jump right in the middle of another man's project and shoot a lower bid. Or to show up on a rig that you are currently working on and have been for years, and offer a business card and a lower rate. I say piss on them. They will someday have the displeasure of someone breaking into their home and stealing what they can get their hands on. In my book, there is no difference. Just like shivalry is not dead, neither is respect.

There are just some of us out there that still possess these fine qualities....................nuff said! Death is like a dream state, where the dreams are the children of the mentality of the dreamer. Welcome to my hell sucka!"

Sourdough never had a problem expressing himself. Wonder what ever happened to him havent heard from him for a good while now.
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 10-30-2009 16:50
Well put... I wish there was something that could be done. like utah said something to regulate them I don't mind the guys that start out the right way they deserve a shot. But if these guys wanna learn it's not hard to start at the bottom or even go take a job single hand for awhile there are plenty of those... and if they are lucky they'll get one that someone has the patience to walk them through things for awhile.

Well sorry this post got so far off track...but it's a true problem!
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 10-30-2009 17:46
The way I see it this never really got off point, it just staggered a bit, no need to be sorry.

But consider this. This country and most of the entire world for that matter is going through some changes in how things come about.

Hell, I served a 5-year apprenticeship for Machine Repair and then almost another 5 years in Welding to get my papers.

Today employers do not want to invest that kind of time and money in employees. They are just like the rest of us and they want instant gratification.

It’s not going to go away any time soon, fact is it will get worse before it gets better. State and City codes will eliminate some but that opens another door to possible corruption and you wind up not only proving your qualifications but also having to pay someone under the table to get a license.

As for the wannabe’s they will have to prove them selves or their reputation will precede them and they won’t be allowed to work in most places.

I would not waste my time worrying about them (if you do they have some control over you). They will have to pay there dues eventually.
Parent - - By Johnyutah (**) Date 10-30-2009 19:25
IMHO the problem is the fact that the rest of us will already be broke by the time there reputation catches up with them. I am lucky enough to have my fab shop as well as my trucks however if I only ran one truck and that was my only gig I think I would be real worried right now. I think the contractors are the main problem still, right now it seems experience and certs mean nothing on most jobs it's only the almighty dollar. We recently picked up a structure job simple post and beam job we got it then I found out the other bidders were two rail shops both of whom had told the customer that they didn't need engineering. Second on there proposals had shown no certs to cover the work, the steel only holds up 135k they said they didn't think it would require a certified welder.
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 10-30-2009 19:31
Johnyutah thats scary only 135k and no need for certs hmmmmmmmm well is it is some kinda building or whatever please let me know where it is so I don't go inside
Parent - By strother (***) Date 10-30-2009 23:16
I've seen a few  contractors that don't ask for any certs. and if they do ask they don't know what they are looking at , just trying to cover their a$$.
Parent - - By PipeIt (**) Date 10-30-2009 23:44
He (sourdough) got a case of the green a** I know red, and bailed, anybody who has been in this trade knows if your thin skinned your whip will get shortened quick l.o.l :)

I have been on another post where we're trying to help a guy not go for the throat.
Parent - - By PipeIt (**) Date 10-30-2009 23:47
P.S you guys still fighten?! :) Dam we need some work don't we!

Hang in there brothers & sisters its got to get better! :)
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-31-2009 14:27
Someday I will be a welder. Right now I am only a welding truck driver.......
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-31-2009 16:44
Well, I don't care what anyone else in here says!!! It's good to see you back in here Sourdough!!! "Weldcome back Young MAN!!!"

Btw, How's your son doing?? He's probably huge by now!!! ;) :) :)

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-31-2009 19:31
Well, I guess I should stay out of this cause it seems like you guys are out for blood or a good ol' hangin. After a tour in the Marines though I can take a beatin, they were kind enough to de-nerve me on Parris Island, my wife even says I'm cold and heartless.

I'm 38, went through school in 98 and currently going through more welding school. I was asked by a guy, pipeliner, if I was a good welder. Surely did'nt know how to respond, told him I have not had any leaks or problems and keep working to make every weld better than the last. Passed my 12" butt, tensile, bend and even had a kodak moment.

I'm a guy, out on the road around TN with my most likely not considered a real rig truck. It's not an s10 or yota, it's a real truck, with a real diesel engine. I have a ranger 8. At $900 at the time it was what I could afford. To this point my 51' shorty looks real good, wish I had $3000 to put her back together or all the kings horses and all the kings men. Unfortunately I don't and thought about it the day I was out with the big pipe guys and their welder had a classic 200 and my ranger was annoying everyone with it's 3600 rpm.

I've been trying to get into something where I can learn from guys such as yourselves on here. After 20 years in the biz bustin knuckles I would still learn from guys my senior and was more than happy to listen to their advise. Again, unfortunately I have been unable to find anything. I have no oil field experience, don't know anybody in the biz, brother, dad and so forth. According to some job sites with no oil field experience I can't even make it as a helper or for that matter a oil field experience. You guys born in Texas and Oklahoma are lucky, you were born in the oil field! LOL!! I'd be willing to pick up stubs, empty your stub bucket, grind the root, wire out the hot, fill and cap, hell, what was it you wanted for lunch??

I've worked on jobs now from gas pipe to structural. I've done some work for a group out of hotlanta and used my welder, they supplied materials, gas but the pay was not much better than single hand work. Was I proud of it, nope, thought it sucked but at the time wife was thinking how nice it would be to continue living in this house and not a box under a brigde. I worked for them twice, spent two weeks. Kept my house and the truck for a few more months. They called again, this time I decided against it. Making good money on the job I'm at right now, more than I would if I went down there and used my own welder. No worries though, called them a few days later to tell them I would not be coming down and they already had a guy to replace me. If I was jobless right now, I'd probably be there again. Weld procedures? Worked with several contractors now and nothing. I had one ask me if I had papers. Told them I had my own papers for my company, not theirs. Most of the times it's hard to even get the code out of them. Put in a grease vent at a restuarant, tells me nothing, practically had to beat the code out of the guy in order to install it.

However, the contractors who hire guys, younger or less experienced guys and do not follow the rules of the road, WPS and so on are the ones bucking the system, just as they do with the illegal immigrant hirings or making sure when your on a scale job that your getting paid correctly. Got a duct guy making $7/hour more than the welder. What can I do, my house is getting paid and keeping the truck and just all out tired of being the only one that's willing to stand up and say anything anymore. Spent years being the "stand up guy" at other places and when you stand up to say what everyone else is complaining about before the meeting, when you get in there and say it and your ding dong is hangin out in the wind cause everyone has gotten job security shy. What the contractors do will not affect my welding. The welding part is within the welder himself. How much pride he or she takes in what they do. I like what I'm doing now and strive to uphold the tradition that you older guys have built up. Make every weld look better than the last, always try harder to become a better welder, listen to guys with more experience.

Plate has been compared to pipe as pipe that has not been unrolled yet. Why do I like pipe welding? I don't know. Done some structural stuff and no a real big fan, I think it sucks. No offense Cactus, God only knows you are one of many on here that I respect and never met ya.  For some reason I like the roundy round of pipe welding. Perhaps 15, 20 or 30 years ago if you old timers look back you'll realize what it was that got you into the roundy round. I thought for sure that welding pipe in some dirt hole under a 150 year old plus building was not my cup of tea. The last 5-6 weeks I have enjoyed the he__out of myself doing just that. This includes shoving my body into places, wriggling between four 4" pipes in order to get in behind and make a weld. Laying upside down, sideways, rightways, anyways and getting burned all over ways. Little sparkies trying to find there way into my brain cause I can only have my beannie covering one ear and even some good ol' fashion mirror welding which has been interesting to say the least, a very large challenge and in some sick mentally sick way I look forward to more and think I'll even hit the shop and practice more mirror welding. Covered in old dry dirt and dust, laying on your back with your head resting on some rocks and the hole time your running your weld wondering what sort of creepie crawly is just beyond the light looking out at the back of your head wondering if your worth a taste.

I have not served my time in the trenches....well, not the welding world trenches. As said though there ain't a whole heck of a lot I can do about it. Apply for jobs and get turned down or nothing, gotta get experience somehow and some of the welds I've put down are not the best looking on the outside, I keep concentrating on every bead, watching the puddle, evaluating what I'm doing and how it looks. Every little imperfection burns my az more than you know. You could call me every name in the book right to my face and I could give a s__t less, little gas pocket hole on my 6010 cap pass at the end of my weld will stick in my craw and eat me up, even though the rest of the weld is 100% that one little blip will chap my butt and I'll think about it til my end, especially on my next cap.

Well, that's my many cent's, surely I'll get blasted by someone about something....oh well, not like that has'nt happened before. Now just to be certain, not once did I say anything about being a great welder, best welder or anything like that right? To use the Army phrase, "being all I can be".....ewww, that was hard to say. Still like " The Few, The Proud,....." much better!

Parent - By pipehead (***) Date 10-31-2009 19:51
Cummins, It's not the guys like you I'm knocking your giving it a fair go and trying to build up.....and like you said you want to learn and your trying to......

It's the the original post that gripes me! That kid is no better than the illegals that are running rig in southern CA every day the drive to the U.S. work for less wages than anybody else.....Most do a crappier job than anybody else....they collect there check and run home to spend it in mexico so that it does nothing to help our economy!

Graanted that kid is not doing all that but he doesn't want to learn either just want to jump in!
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 10-31-2009 20:59
Did you leave any thing out Shawn?:-) You been taking lessons from Henry?:-)

I sure hope you dont take any of this to heart, its just a bunch of folks in the lot sitting on their tailgates drinking a beer and moving the air around. Let'em blow they just like to get things of their chest.

You servered your time as a US Marine my friend protecting the rights of folks like this post is all about to do just what they doing-trying get a piece of the "American dream".

If that aint paying dues then no one has paid any dues. I did my bit on different continents along time ago and I want thank you for picking up the slack for me but watch what you say about the Army!
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-31-2009 23:42
Thanks Ron, do you think I left something out?? I hope not.. LOL! No worries about taking it to heart just wanted to point out that not all of us newbs are like the one guy at the top. I understand where you guys are coming from, show up to repair something and see some stuff a dirt dobber would not call his own. I could lay down my worst weld and the client would think it was gold compared to what was on there.

Ah heck, what fun would it be to serve in the military if us folks that served our time could not poke at each other, it's our right. Outsiders poking at us and that ain't right, then the Army guy, Navy Seaman or Air Force Airmen is my brother, kinda like family. Thank you for your service back when.

Parent - By strother (***) Date 10-31-2009 21:07 Edited 10-31-2009 21:14
Shawn, just speaking for myself but I think you're the kind of guy we all want in this business . Don't worry about your ranger 8,Ive been at this 20yr. I had no family in the business, They're all loggers. I worked regular job and welded for loggers on the side and hunted something better.Its been aslow go but I made some pretty good connections now mainly in construction.
been on my own 9yr. I'm running a Ranger 250 its paid for and it gets the job done . I've burned 5/32 7018s with it one after another 10 and 12 hrs. a day. only problems I've had was water in the gas one time ,it leaked around the gas gauge, and the on/of toggle switch went out . When I can pay cash for good used Vantage then I'll get one .
Right now is hard time to go out on your own. Two things I've learned the hard way, keep you price high and your debt low. Hang in there!
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-01-2009 00:32 Edited 11-01-2009 01:13
Cumminsguy, I dont take offense. And for what it is worth I post alot of BS to get a rise out of a certain few and it works EVERYTIME ! As far as pipe or plate ? This is my thought. If it is made of a weldable material then a WELDER should be able to handle it. The shape should not matter. I do know that pipe welders run colder than the structural guys. And vice versa.  My machine has a adjustment that allows me to weld what ever I choose. It is also my conclusion that the guys who weld strictly pipe,seem to think that there is some big trick to it.Once again I dont get it. Either you can weld or you cant weld. Shape, position, machine or rod should not make much difference.
Parent - By Keplinger78 (**) Date 11-01-2009 01:03
Well said
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 11-01-2009 01:22 Edited 11-01-2009 01:24
It seems to me that pipe welding is more difficult than structural is. If you can weld pipe uphill Structural would probobly not be a problem, and if you dont think the machine makes much difference than why is the Vantage all you seem to talk about?
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-01-2009 01:52
Like I said and YOU prove me right EVERY TIME. I post alot of things to get a rise out of a certain few. And YOU ( My stalker)are always one of the first to want to argue a point. When I broke out There was no Downhill fill and cap. Every thing was either tig root and 7018 fill and cap or 6010 root and 7018 fill and cap.  I would venture to bet that you are one of those who think that Down hill is the only way to weld. I would also venture to bet that you would have a hard time passing a plate test with a 7018 because you think everything should be welded downhill. As far as MY vantage goes. I think it is the best because it is mine. I chose it and I weld with it. No different than I would probably like My Boat better than yours or My Truck or My Harley. Get it yet ? If you dont like what I have or use then dont use it ! I could really care less. I will make a deal with you. I will be testing for a new yard  sometime between Dec.15 and Jan. 15. Think you can pass the test? I will even let YOU pick your Poison. What do you think ? Think your good enough ?
Parent - - By burleigh26 (**) Date 11-01-2009 03:16
Well said cactus, there are some welders where i am always asking me why do you build my beds the way i do, why do i run a sa-200 and not 250. they tell me what i need to run etc.  everyone is different, i built my bed for me to use with ease, not everyone else to use.  i like my machine and its set for the way i like it not anyone else.  everyone has there own choices. my opinion.  you ever have any work in louisiana. 
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-01-2009 03:21
From time to time I work in LA. I will be about an Hour and a half North of Bossier in this new yard I am putting together
Parent - By burleigh26 (**) Date 11-01-2009 03:26
you looking for anyone or do yall normally use the same guys.  im on a job till the end of the year and looking now for after that ends.  thanks
Parent - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 11-01-2009 20:57
Cactus. I hear you talking from time to time bout working in north LA. Do you happen to know a man named Bob Vidrene? He works up north alot. (north LA)
Parent - By okwelder82 (***) Date 11-01-2009 21:43
Thats fine if Cactus likes his Vantage. I hope he does, but he is one of those people always trying to push the Vantage on everyone else. Look through his posts and see how many time he has said something to the effect of "Maybe you should try a Vantage"
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 11-01-2009 21:05
Why dont you test someone who wants to work for you Cactus cause Im not that person. As far a me being one of those guys who think downhill is the only way to weld your wrong. As a matter of fact im taking 2, 2in pipe tests on tuesday one is tig root and hot 7018 out and the other is 5p+ root and hot 7018 out. Im curious to know what your test for this drilling rig yard is? I have taken MANY plate test and passed without a problem. Try taking an open root plate test on 2 inch plate with stainless flux core. Sounds fun doesnt it. On top that I have worked in a lot of rig yards and never had to take any tests other than the Oklahoma steam card test and that was a pipe test..... o yeah an UPHILL pipe test.
Parent - - By tnhnt (***) Date 11-04-2009 04:36
How did your test's go?
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 11-04-2009 13:37
I passed the visual on both of them with no problems but they send them to californina to a lab with a realtime xray machine so I wont know the results until next week sometime. Im confident they will shoot. The only hard part about it was, it was on 2in pipe and the pipe nipples were only 2in long each so it didnt take long till it was scorching hot and had to let it cool down a little bit before I put the top cap pass on. I guess they make them so small to save on shipping weight. So all in all it went good.
Parent - By tnhnt (***) Date 11-05-2009 06:36
Ya I have taken those 2" tests alot and they are no fun. Good luck and hope that they shoot for ya!
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 11-01-2009 21:40
When exactly did you break out welding because they have been doing Downhill welding for a long time?
Parent - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 11-01-2009 22:21
Damn okwelder82, you've got issues man!
Parent - By okwelder82 (***) Date 11-04-2009 00:14
So how much work do you have at this new rig yard you are starting and what kind of plate test are you giving?
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-07-2009 23:58
Hey Cactus, while your typing in a message you should listen to this.....
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-08-2009 02:45
Thats a good one ! And how fitting it would be !
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 11-08-2009 19:23
Cactus, I think I'm good enough, do you hire wet back canadians, and I don't care what kind of machine you got I can even weld with a miller and pass. I'm thinking if I stop saying ah and switch to ya'all I can blend right in no offense intended.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-08-2009 20:55
Where you from in Canada ? I have some freinds in Airdrie, Alberta
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 11-09-2009 20:03
Was born in Edmonton Alberta, Raised in Africa my father worked for Canadian International Development Agency [CIDA] on returning to canada Moved into the peace river country and once I finished high school and welding apprenticeship moved to British Columbia for Diving School and have lived on the coast ever since. Airdrie is just north of the wife's home town of Calgary and I have to constantly remind her that she had to travel the glope to finally find a real man from Edmonton as there is a real shortage of those in Calgary apparently, but no shortage of queers or steers.
Parent - By mightymoe (**) Date 11-01-2009 02:07
use ear plugs. keeps the sparks out of your brain.
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 11-01-2009 20:19
Cumminsguy71 good write up man you sound just like me striving to be the best you can be, one weld at a time. Friends ask me why do you want to quit this job and go somewhere else. I'm like hell I want to learn to weld everything monel inconnel metals I can't even spell or pronounce.

I just can't understand how someone is cool with the same job or working at the same company on the same type of steel for 30 years, it's beyond me. I always strive to do better, not sure where the h*ll i get this drive, I guess it has been people saying you can't do that or this maybe that is what drives me even harder. Take there negativity and turn it into something positive
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 10-31-2009 16:44
Howdy Sourdough. Long time no see. Hope all is well with you and your family.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-31-2009 20:34
Hey Sourdough!
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