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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Fake studs
- - By jmdugan10 (*) Date 06-04-2008 15:26
The pictures say it all.  Just thought some of you would get a chuckle or a shiver out of these.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-04-2008 16:00
Holy CRAP!!! Was that the only one?

Or do you know yet?

Someone should be a ROMF for that!!!

Of course the person responsible is probably long gone down the road, and using this "trick" at another location.

I for one, would run that bird to the ground and expose them in any way I could find.

Parent - - By jmdugan10 (*) Date 06-04-2008 16:14
That was the only one we were able to find, but the individual that did it was not found.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-04-2008 16:24
That figures. The person responsible almost had to know that they would be long gone when this was discovered.

Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 06-04-2008 16:35
"It's not whether you win or lose; it's where you can lay the blame".
I'd bet the person responsible is one of those who appear to be outraged over it - figuring the "long gone guy" won't be found.

I probably will regret asking this but - what is "ROMF"?
Parent - By Ringo (***) Date 06-04-2008 17:17
I've seen some sorry fitters in my day,but that is totally sorry.

BTW "ROMF" is run-off-the-mother-f*****-job.I believe.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-04-2008 17:39

Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 06-06-2008 13:19
Thanks , that fits.

I was thinking "reamed out....." or whatever but run off is much more appropriate.
Parent - - By 3.1 Inspector Date 06-04-2008 18:36
I could say alot here, but I better not(but guess its made in USA)
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 06-04-2008 19:37
better not
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 06-04-2008 19:16
another one for the FC2002
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-04-2008 20:39
AMEN!! ctacker. :-)
Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 06-04-2008 21:23
my uncle billy made me do that once on tha farm but all we had wus JB weld... not that fancy GMAW!    that's seriously scary though!

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-05-2008 03:14
At least they used a high strength hardened Allen Head Socket Bolt! No danger of martensite there! Is there? And anyway, everyone knows the actual bolts are way bigger than need be and that's why there is so many of the buggers!

I would be interested to know if the "stud" broke before being discovered or if it failed during service or did a subsequent inspection detect the problem?

It is fortunate no one was injured as a result of this incident. I'm clearly making this assumption based on the fact there is not mention of injury in this post.

We don't know the particulars of this situation, but if I were the owner of the facility and this installation could be associated with a particular contractor, I would question whether that contractor should be bared from future work. I suppose they could say they didn't know that an unscrupulous worker would pull such a stunt, but then again, where was the contractor's QC?

A situation such as this would justify a though investigation of all the bolted joints this particular contractor installed. If they would stoop to this type of work, what "quality" could be expected of the welded joints they completed?

I can only imagine the "can of worms" this one incident could indicate.

Best regards - Al 
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-05-2008 14:26
  You betcha buddy!

"A situation such as this would justify a thorough investigation of all the bolted joints this particular contractor installed."

Hammer time!!

Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 06-05-2008 17:00
Maybe you people are jumping to conclusions, could it have been drawn that way by a mechanical engineer? :)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-05-2008 17:52
LOL :-)
Parent - By awspartb (***) Date 06-05-2008 21:30
I see this ALL THE TIME in the power plants.  When they close up the entry ways into the boilers at the end of an outage, the "hurry up" attitude is at the maximum "get someone killed" volume.  Fake studs are common.  I've even seen them tacked to the FRONT on the access door.  Of course the nut will cover it up. 

This is the kind of crap work being done today in the USA.  The sad fact is that nobody seems to care as long as the power plant gets back on line faster than the last outage.  The bodies are piling up people.  When will it stop?  Did anyone see this story from Vegas?  Six people died on one job, in seperate incidents, at a Casino building site.  It was so bad that they went on STRIKE over it. This was a UNION job!
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 06-06-2008 02:33
Looks like a bad tie in on the broke weld.
Unequal leg on the fillet that held.
Our WPS for this application is to ALWAYS use multiple passes. Never one pass. That just asking for trouble.
Parent - - By H2oSkidog (*) Date 06-11-2008 00:03
Why does someone go to the trouble of fabricating that $$#@!.Real bolts would be faster,is it they are too cheap to buy the high grade bolts and their labor is less expensive than some bolts.Some one has to answer surely for their work.What a gross disregard for life and safety.Sheeeshh! 
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 06-11-2008 20:57
Being a sheet metal fab and ignorant of pressure work. Why would someone goto the trouble of making welding a bolt like that? seems like it would be much easier to just get the proper bolt.
Maybe it was a conspiracy by the welder desperate to make sure his trade was not obsoleted by a bolt?
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 06-11-2008 22:03
Hello Metarinka, in certain instances on outages and other shutdown type jobs there are penalties for non-completion of the job within the time allotted. It is possible that this particular contractor couldn't come up with the proper stud to allow for meeting this deadline, so he/she or his employees "fudged" and "improvised". Non-completion penalties can be very costly in certain industries, thus this could be a reason for something like this. Best regards, aevald
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 06-11-2008 22:26
Thats very true Allan.  This isnt the work of just one employee. I gaurantee there were at least 2 sets of eyes on this bolt before it went in.  Heck there may have been 10, who knows???  There should be multiple ROMFs.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-12-2008 01:24
BINGO!!! to both johnnyh and aevald. There was more than one person who saw this.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Fake studs

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