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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / where is acceptable additional training for retest located
- - By goatsrule Date 12-29-2008 04:10
i failed a retest and need "40 hours of documented, additional training" before trying again. AWS QC1 6.2.5 requires "..futher training in welding inspection..meeting the requirements of 16.5.1".  AWS QC1 16.5.1. requires 40 Professional Development Hours (PDH) of "....classroom, correspondence, or distance learning in one or more areas indicated in AWS B5.1".   AWS B5.1 does not refer to PDH's anywhere. So what section in AWS B5.1 is used to determine what is acceptable additional training?
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-06-2009 13:31
I assume you were given a read out (by AWS) of what areas you had problems with and those areas that you did well in. Most people have difficulty on just the open book code examination, or the part B practical examine, and some have trouble on the fundamentals examination. Some people have trouble on all three parts.

You can concentrate your efforts on those areas that you found to be most difficult. You can take a course in basic math at a high school that offers adult courses in the evening if that was your area of weakness. You can take a course on strength of materials if you had problems answering questions on mechanical testing. You can look for a course on NDT at a local college that has industrial technology and offers an overview of NDT. You can take an AWS sponsored CWI review, go to Hobart, or other commercial operations that offer training. You can take a home-study course offered by ASM in NDT, metallurgy, etc. There are many different avenues open to you so that you can concentrate your efforts on the specific subjects you need help with.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By goatsrule Date 01-13-2009 06:37
Thanks for the reply al. Yeah I busted out on the open book test on my inital CWI exam.(two correct answers short). Then on my retest I busted out again(two answers short). Now I have to take 40 hours of additional training before I can take another retest. I'm wondering if documented on the job training is acceptable or do I have to take some kind of course study be it correspondence, classroom, ect.(more money). If I have to go the course study route I'll have to do a correspondence course because there aren't any local schools offering QC type courses and I can't afford to attend an out of town institution. Do you have any info on correspondence courses that offer the training I'll need. Do you have a link to ASM or a web address for them. I'd appreciate any info you can give on whether AWS will accept on the job training or info on correspondence courses anyone may offer if I have to go that route.

Thanks for your help- Matthew
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-13-2009 13:53
The open book examination is the one area that you will not find a correspondence course to take.

You didn't mention which open book examination you took, so there is little I can offer for advice other than what I was told to do many years ago when I prepared for the examinations on my own. I was told to read the code three times. Once to find out what was included in the overall scheme of things. Then read it to better understand what is written. The third and last time was to learn where everything is located. After all, the open book examination simply tests you on knowing where everything is. If you have a fair idea of how the material is grouped together, you stand a very good chance of winning the prize.

As for tabbing and highlighting the book, don't go crazy. Tab the sections and tables with figures so you can locate them easily. Next, go through the book and write in "forwarding addresses". That means, everyplace you have a clause that references a new clause or a figure or a table; write the page where it can be found in the margin next to the clause. Next, beside each clause write the key words if it isn't already in the BOLD print heading the clause. For instance, in D1.1, clause has a header that says FAYING SURFACES, to me that clause is addressing fit-up requirements, so write "FIT-UP" in the margin and in the INDEX under "F". Likewise, the table that lists "F numbers" for shielded metal arc electrodes is no in the index, anywhere, so you have to add it so you can find it easily when you need it. Notice I didn't mention "highlighting". The important stuff is already in bold print. Too many colors will only confuse you. If you do highlight, highlight the key word in each clause.

I prefer the D1.1 Welding Code because it does have a good index and everything is laid out with a reason. API is not as thick, but it has no index to work with. What ever code you elect to use, learn it's layout and the information, but don't try to memorize everything.

I would try to write a question on each and every clause in the code. You have to understand what the clause is saying in order to write a good question.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By willbergj (**) Date 02-24-2009 17:56
i am in the same situation as you.  i called aws and they said the 40 hours is very open, meaning anything pertaining to welding technology is acceptable.  i asked about osha training and she said it was acceptable, however on the job training was NOT acceptable.  i am a welding instructor and teach 6 hours a day, she said this would not work for the 40hrs.  if you have any other info on this let me know, i some how have to get my 40 before april 25 and have know idea where to get it.
Parent - By Ke1thk (**) Date 02-25-2009 12:14 Edited 02-25-2009 16:40
If I were desperate in terms of time, why I wouldn't take the AWS CWI full one week course, even if it were in another city? It was over 40 hours as I recall.  Hobart also offers courses.  Money makes the world spin 'round. 

I might try and call my local RT lab to see if they needed any temporary "volunteers" for a week.  I'd let you volunteer with me for a week, if it were acceptable.

I've had many speeding tickets in my life.
Good Luck,

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / where is acceptable additional training for retest located

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