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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / D1.1's 'box sections and widths' ?
- By steveho (*) Date 10-31-2000 18:56
D1.1 indicates 'pipe qualifies all box sections and widths' (Table 4.2, note 5). Apparrently D1.1 readers are to assume that "box sections" may be defined as "box tubing". Nowhere has this reader found any AWS definition for the term AWS uses. As D1.1's Table 4.2 column titled "Nominal Diameter of Pipe or Tube Size Qualified..." noteably states "or" as opposed to "and", this leaves the reader wondering if the intent is actually "or" and means that either qualifies the other, that or else whichever one is qualified, 'it' alone is qualified. Suspect that D1.1's intent is that pipe qualifies tube, but possibly not the other way around. Does anyone have definitive insight that may dispel what appears to be an although borderline obscurity, another AWS conundrum ? Regards- steveho
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / D1.1's 'box sections and widths' ?

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