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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / stinger v
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-18-2014 03:43 Edited 05-31-2014 04:09
HERE is un unbiased un sponsored report of the stinger v electrode holder:

I have not got a chance to use it in the field yet but I am extremely confident I will have better starts and less issues burning rods.  I got the thing and put a 3/32 followed by a 3/16 rod into it and asked my son to pull it out of the stinger......well after a serious wrestling match....this thing holds the nub more then firm......that means less to really no arcing in the stinger therefore way better more consistent starts and far less wear.   If I am wrong on these counts I will certainly report so. But i can already tell that this will be the only electrode holder on my truck from now on.  It can be opened with only thumb pressure yet locks the rods firmly in place.  It is pricey but it is a revolution in performance for guys like me, simple idea implemented and the only game in town.   Merica!!!!!!

Edit:  I got some time in on it now, after a few stuck rods and a little work under crappy conditions so far so good.  I still like it.   However I would not drop one too much if you have the insulated version....looks like just a ceramic powder coat....that will hold up to fire good but bust easy on impacts.
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 04-19-2014 00:00
Tommy, 100% agreement with you......Excellent stinger, only use it on pipewelding that's code work, cause of the price (don't want to wear it out !!!!!!!) ........ Still use a lenco 200 for "farm code" work..... Best part about V Stinger is made in U.S.A. , WY.:cool:
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-20-2014 02:30
I know it says 100% brass, but since the v points appear to be SS, and since there will be almost really no chance of movement.  I figure the wear life will be incredibley long.   In comparison to traditional ones I mean.
Parent - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 04-21-2014 12:09
Some companies require the insulation kit like one other poster here stated.  That said I am not sure if I would be worried about wearing one out.  I know guys that run them day in and day out and there stinger V's are more than a couple of years old.  The only minor glitch I can see with the stinger V is if you do get hung up it's a burden to get it to release. Thus increasing the chance of a mishap of an arc burn.  Especially if your the type who chokes up on 3/32 7018.  Pro's far outweigh the cons.
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 04-19-2014 04:40
I bought one man it's a badass stinger I really like it a lot to will hold almost anything I stick in it,
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 04-20-2014 18:35
Hey TJ, I've run 1's,5's and lots of 50's through mine and love it. Be sure to order the insulated model if doing distribution work because  I had to tape the lever up on mine to prevent arc burns due to it being uninsulated. It's simplicity is really cool and I hope the inventer makes out well. It cost twice as much as a regular stinger but is ten times better. Ted
Parent - By Dualie (***) Date 04-20-2014 19:51
i too bought one, but since 90% of my work is done via LN-25 it don't get much use.       I don't know what it would take to get the rod outta the stinger but its more than i can muster
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 04-21-2014 12:13
Ted you can also order just the insulators by them selves if you already have bought an uninsulated model as an fyi.
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 04-21-2014 12:39
Yes. I had praxair order it for me so the contractor could pay for it and he ordered the uninsulated model with the insulator kit. But the lever is still uninsulated that's why I had to tape mine. I talked to the gal at stinger v and she said the lever on the other model is insulated.
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 04-22-2014 05:52
I've bought 2 of the insulated 1s the handle has a coating on it but a good knocking and it'll arc. A 3/8 hose fixes that. I've also had a spring break in 1 that was only 4 months old. Not covered under warranty cause they don't make the spring. Still hands down best stinger I've used.
Parent - By JeremyW83 (***) Date 04-25-2014 00:38
Shad they now have replacement springs.
- By Paladin (***) Date 04-25-2014 01:03
What possible advantage would an uninsulated electrode holder have? When would you need it?
Seems to me an uninsulated holder is just begging for an arc strike.
One thing I don't like about the Duro holder. It will sometimes arc out just hanging it by the handle.
Arc strikes, who needs them?
- - By Paladin (***) Date 05-29-2014 00:52
I found out something to day that the Stinger V won't do.

I was minding my own business in my shop today building a gas regulator system for a high rise motel downtown.
My neighbor is a stone, rock, gravel business with a number of delivery trucks. One of their dump trucks had a broken pin that keeps the swing gate closed.
I drug out the air arc rig (SMAW leads already out) to cut off what was left and guess what?
Stinger V won't bite the contact point on the air arc. Had to laugh a bit. Never thought about that one.

A little complaint about the Stinger V. The spring is insulated but the bolt and nut that holds the lead contact lug is not. I managed to arc the bolt  it twice today.
Once hanging it by the handle on the edge of my table and once hanging it over the pipe and having it contact something on a jack stand. If it is possible I can find a way to arc out on something it seems.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 05-30-2014 03:05
ya got a serious point......but it was not made for that.  Also it was designed for those damm bare stinger pipeliner cats and not for the rest of us

I got a quick connect whip for air arc with 2/0.....cmon man

I still like it.
Parent - By J Hall (***) Date 05-30-2014 03:22
I always use quick connects for the air arc. Biting it with the stinger just doesn't hold up.
Parent - By TRC (***) Date 05-30-2014 14:08 Edited 05-30-2014 14:53
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / stinger v

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