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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / cutting with a welder (locked)
- - By lilseth0014 Date 11-25-2006 20:44
I got a lincoln 225 ac welder. you know the tombstone old welder. It welds great i was just wondering if i might be able to turn it up to around 140 amps and use a bare rod and cut thin metal with it like 1/8inch or so?
Parent - - By flatwins (*) Date 11-25-2006 22:07
I'm a newbie so there are guys (and girls) on here with 1000% more qualification to answer this question but in my experience I would say no problem.  Its like a knife thru butter.  You don't seem to have the control with cutting that you have with an oxy\acet. rig but it is possible to cut with a stick welder.  I don't even think you'll need to use a bare rod.
Parent - By norcalwelder (**) Date 11-28-2006 16:35
I have the same welder. I tried cutting some 1/8" metal with a 6011 at 105-115 amps, worked great. Remember to cut downward because a lot of molten metal will flow.
Hope this helps,
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-28-2006 19:40
It's been done, and for that matter, is not that uncommon. Remember that the edge of that cut will need prep just as if you flame or carbon arc cut it. I suggest you plan your layout accordingly.
Parent - By norcalwelder (**) Date 11-30-2006 01:52
Right. The cut was about 1/4" and pretty rough.
Parent - By Doug Hodgson Date 01-07-2007 14:18
houk up air arc lead and air hose and cut away
Parent - By Blaster (***) Date 01-07-2007 18:11
6010 with the amps cranked up makes a good cutting rod.  I have used it for demolition of light guage structures with very good results.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / cutting with a welder (locked)

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