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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Plastic Welding Qualification
- - By Nostalgic (*) Date 12-03-2006 08:24 Edited 12-03-2006 08:29
Hi All,

Good Day To You All !

This is Nos from singapore and i just felt quite happy to load up my question here.
Let me introduce our corp first, We are a medium joint-venture firm in singapore, most of our products are for bio-chemicals, semi-con and cleanroom purify systems.
We've gotta 20 welders with 25 welding guns and 2 lines of CNC machine center. We ran for kinds of material sheet, including PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF,Halar,PE,etc but we are suffering to qualify current welders when some of customers specified qualified welders cert. Be frankly our welders work in diff welding level, to treat them fair, we have to set some rules&standards to differentiate them first and qualified them in formal way regularly.
So I'd like to ask some help here on advicing us some references or guidlines of plastic weldings. Appreciated of receiving your comments soon.

Parent - - By Nostalgic (*) Date 12-04-2006 00:54 Edited 12-04-2006 01:17
Hi Guys,

Need help SOS !!!! Thanks

Parent - By chall (***) Date 12-04-2006 14:53
Chevron has procedures, equipment and materials for medium and high density polyethylene pipe PLEXCO polyethylene pipe).

We worked with NYSEG a few years ago on some of this material.  NYSEG developed their own procedures, but in the company literature there are two Chevron bulletines that are very informative and would certainly get you started:  105Y, 106.

Central Plastics Company provides the kind of equipment needed to do fusion of plastic piping, including a small manual on how to perform the applicable tasks.  They are located in Shawnee, Oklahoma.

All my references are date 1996 and 1994, so I'm sure of the current status, but maybe if you search the internet something will show up.

Parent - - By chall (***) Date 12-04-2006 15:02
Look here:

If you go to the technical library, there are several guides that you can download that cover what you are involved in.

Parent - - By Nostalgic (*) Date 12-04-2006 15:33
Hi Chall,

Appreciated your help .. but those parts we manufactured are tanks, scrubber, big tray, etc not too many piping sys involved...
i've checked your attached website but it seems that it does not really relate to my projects. Anyway thanks for your reply.

Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 12-04-2006 16:41
It may be helpful if  you post your specific problem rather than a list of equipment.
Parent - - By Nostalgic (*) Date 12-05-2006 07:02
Eg. we plan to set a few categories to differentiate our welders... Like below colunme... But what we need right now is the global standards or rules to evaluate them.

Material            Project Test           Time to Finish        Cosmetic      Strength Test
PVC             10'' Length Welding              ?                       ?                  ?
CPVC           10'' Length Welding              ?                       ?                  ?
PP               10'' Length Welding              ?                       ?                  ?
PC               10'' Length Welding             ?                        ?                  ?
PVDF           10'' Length Welding              ?                       ?                  ?
Halar            10'' Length Welding             ?                        ?                 ?

Hope it is clear to my questions. Appreciate for your quick reply!!!

Parent - By Nostalgic (*) Date 12-11-2006 03:44
Hi All,

can anyone give me a guidiance on welding test? Appreciated for all your reply.

Parent - - By Nostalgic (*) Date 12-09-2006 07:25
Hi Guys,

Anyone can advice on this matter? SOS SOS

Parent - - By medicinehawk (**) Date 12-12-2006 17:31
Hi Roger,
It looks like no one (myself included) really understands what you are looking for. To me, what Chall had listed would & should be enough, yet you say that you  are not welding piping systems so it does not apply to your needs. I am trying to help you so please, take no offense.
Here is what you wrote:
Material            Project Test           Time to Finish        Cosmetic      Strength Test
PVC             10'' Length Welding              ?                       ?                  ?
CPVC           10'' Length Welding              ?                       ?                  ?
PP               10'' Length Welding              ?                       ?                  ?
PC               10'' Length Welding             ?                        ?                  ?
PVDF           10'' Length Welding              ?                       ?                  ?
Halar            10'' Length Welding             ?                        ?                 ?

Hope it is clear to my questions. Appreciate for your quick reply!!!

To me, none of that makes sense. PVC and CPVC is not welded. It is "joined" or glued using two chemicals which react with the base plastic to form a strong bond which can be pressure tested, hydrostatically. Is it welding??? Not to me.
PP Does this stand for polyproplene??? "PolyPro", which I have heard it called in the field, is fusion welding using either heat & pressure or just heat and may be joined using slightly different equipment. To me, how it works is: two piece(usually pipe fittings) to be welded are heated and then held together for a predetermined time once they have reached a certain temperature. No extra materials added.
PVDF (to me) is similar to polypro in that two pipe fittings or a pipe & a fitting are heated with irons and then jammed together & held in place until cool where they are tecnically fused together. NO extra material added.
I have never heard of PC or Halar so I will not comment on those.
I have seen vessels with what appears to be "welds" on which might be plastic like PVDF, but I had assumed it was done with an iron and the two materials were fused together. I do not know how that is done.
I have fusion welded insulation jackets and in rare instances seen extra filler material added to repair a section of jacket which had been damaged in shipping, but I have not seen it(rod) used to weld a joint.
There was once a job I was on inwhich we fusion welded using irons and as a repair procedure, used a heating element (like hair dryer) and filler rod to (again) repair a leaking joint (pipe) but this was only used whenit was not feasable to replace the fitting because of spacial or time constraints.
Wish I could help you. If anyone knows what Roger is looking for, then please chime in as I know I would certainly learn something.
Parent - By Nostalgic (*) Date 12-14-2006 04:10
Hi Hawk,

Thanks for your quick reply and sorry for my bad english descriptions.
Let me go in details to explain your concerns.

1. PVC&CPVC are the materials that we use their welding rod(3mm,4mm) accrordingly to weld those plaques or "structure wall" up. In our production field, we addressed this production as "wet bench" program. As i stated before, most products we made are like tank, scrubber, tray so on. In addtion, those PVC&CPVC plaques are machined by our CNC center.

2. PP is polyproplene exactly, sorry for the skimble-scamble shortform i used. We weld PP materials as same method as rest, like PVC CPVC, PE. which means we use its welding rod to weld them together in order to match customer's assemble prints.

3. PVDF and Halar are both new projects we are handling now and they need higher temperature, rigid hygeian condition, safety ventilation system to maintain its welding quality.

Our welding tools are welding guns with hot air blower, please refer to my attached link for reference ,

I did hope i state clearly this time for you guys concern. I do really appreciate for all your reply and help. Best Wishes

Parent - By Nostalgic (*) Date 12-21-2006 02:06
Hi all,

Any comments on my questions? Please help

Parent - By Nostalgic (*) Date 12-21-2006 03:18
Hi All,

I found one guideline, ASTM C 1147,regarding my welding category. In this case can anyone advice on this guideline or provide any references?
Thanks for your guys help

Parent - - By Nostalgic (*) Date 01-03-2007 15:56

Anyone can help on my request? Please leave your comments here, Thanks for your attentions!

Parent - - By ross (***) Date 01-03-2007 16:10
AWS B2.4:2006, Specification for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification for Thermoplastics.
Parent - By Nostalgic (*) Date 03-03-2007 09:26
Hi Ross,

Thanks for your advice.

- By myhelmetsguide Date 10-28-2017 18:39
which will be the best mig welder for beginner[url=][/url]
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Plastic Welding Qualification

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