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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Rig Welders
- - By KGabbert Date 12-08-2006 03:35
Hi,I was wondering if anyone might have any advice on rig welding.I have a brand new Lincoln GXT 10,000 that I bought a few months ago.I initially bought it for personal use and small jobs around my area.
I have been welding for about 8 years now (usually standing on my head) I have been running shutdowns for about 10 years. I got a call from Industrial Power and got a rig welding job offer in Wyoming,it pays $23 an hour for the hand,$20 an hour for the rig and $10 an hour per diem.Is this usually the going rate?
Would I need a tax I.D. number? I am really interested in pursuing this but am a stranger to this type of work.I have welded some pipe and am going to practice a whole lot more. They have a 6 G test that I am not sure I could pass right now. I am not even very familiar with pipe terms,or the tricks of the trade concerning pipe welding. Absolutely any information on running your own rig would be extremely helpful.

Kevin Gabbert
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 12-08-2006 13:02
I think you will find that you need to gross $50.00 per hour to run a business, make truck & equipment payments, keep enough special business insurance coverage, have a realistic emergency reserve fund, and keep up with the changing costs of your own special medical insurance.  Salary is on top of that.  If you want to apply your salary into the cost of operation, because you have the "dream of being self employed", this can be done.

Simple liability insurance is not enough.  You need to get an education on the terms used in insurance-speak.  Learn about "Explosion Buy Back", Personal Articles Floater, Excess Liability coverage, "Care Custody and Control", "Underground Lines" coverage, "Store Front" coverage, individual workmans compensation, "Inland Marine Coverage", "Professional Liability" "Waiver of Subrogation", "Mitigating Damages", and many more that I haven't heard of.  If you go to work beyond the High Tide mark, you need "Long-shoreman and Harbor Workers protection Act Insurance, which is in addition to the normal Workers Compensation coverage! Insurance involves two types of payments, the initial and recurrent premium and the year end audit adjustment. (Additional premium due that may be based on gross profit, hours worked, Etc.)  Insurance premiums are due whether you have work or not!

Remember, the cost of the welding machine seems like it is large, but the cost of the small tools and their repair and replacement will be far more expensive over the period of a year.  Now you have to buy your own supplies.  You may need a second truck.  You may have to "Tip" the crane operator to help you unload at the site, Etc.!  You need cash reserves to run out and buy a new tool or a new "gadget" to get the job done.  You really do not build a business until you have people working for you.  Then there are additional responsibilities and problems.

Good luck
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-08-2007 02:08
53 an hr is good money but remember it is snowing in wyoming right now as far as getting a tax id # all you need is a social security card for your income tax unless yopu are a bussinees with employees then you would need a employer tax i.d.# or if you charge tax you will need a state tax i.d. number but if you are not from wyoming i would not worry about the state tax i.d. # as far as the wage there are places that pay higher and others that pay way lower depends on where you go and who you work for hope this helps if your looking into pipelining you might consider getting a bigger machine alot of companies wont even look at you if you dont have at least a lincoln 200 and sum prefer a miller big 40 usually depends on the welding boss
Parent - - By Don H Hicks Date 01-15-2007 21:37
If there are rig welders out there that are looking for pipeline work in Pinedale, Wyoming for six months or longer working 60 hours a week must be able to pass the standard API 1104 multiple qualification test. the pay is $30 an hr. plus time an half after eight and on Saturday, $20 an hr for rig truck and $50 a day perdeim plus travel pay.They will be staying in man camp with private room and three meals a day for free.
If you know of anyone please have them contact Don Hicks or Glenn Clark @704-398-0655
Parent - By chad798 Date 05-13-2008 18:22
Is this Union work if it aint 798 we wont come
Parent - By chad798 Date 05-13-2008 18:30
call 798 they have alot of welders
Parent - - By Gregory Walker (*) Date 06-18-2007 21:47
Ive been working on my downhill 6G and I keep getting undercut on my root and I was wondering if I was going too fast or if I was running too hot.

thanks Greg Walker
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 06-19-2007 12:49
Give it a little more gap, a little wider landing and turn down the heat. If you are using p+ 5/32 on standard wall 12 inch you should be running 6-10 IPM on the bead. If the UC is to the high side, it could be your rod angle.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 05-27-2008 17:05
You are always gonna have undercut on the root. It's called wagon tracks. That's why God almighty made grinders, and machines that run hot............
Parent - - By chad798 Date 05-13-2008 18:27
Pipelines is were its at Local union 798 put me to work ,, gave my kids healthcare no questions asked
and they supply me retirement, My brother got hurt and the union sent him a check for 1000$ just to help out these guys and girls are the family i always looked for and they are the best welders in the world..........
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 05-13-2008 18:43
sounds like nothing special. If that all your getting you might be selling yourself short.
Parent - - By welderwife Date 05-13-2008 20:50
if youre working non-union i bet your insurace is nothing compared to 798 and i can almost bet you have no retirement so i think 798 has a pretty great thing going so maybe you should just keep your opinion to yourself if you don't know what you're talking about
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 05-13-2008 21:10
i have no desire to talk to a condescending welders wife about something she is ignorant about
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 05-14-2008 22:27
I make enough money working for myself and pay the unions benys. unfortunantly two of the unions I deal with are on "yellow alert level" with the government watch dogs for shortfalls (underfunded).Also 798 was or still might be in "stewartship"(Top Man resigned last year) nobody gives up thoughs positions unless there is severe problems. Also cut out  Blue Light Union magazine last year to "save expences", going after unpaid dues aggresively,and fining any member percieved to be working nonunion (you can have a hearing to contest)  sorry to much BS FOR ME. I'll just keep working for myself and "care" for my own money. maybe you should stick to taking care of your husband IE. make him a sandwich get him a beer and make sure he stays away from the road wives. Also don't yammer away about BS like the traffic light is still not working in front of Walmart. He'll apreciate it when he gets home.             PS.   Go Steelers and Pens.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 05-27-2008 16:53 Edited 05-27-2008 17:03
Coming from a welder that chased rigs for 7 years on the western slope, I can tell you this:

Go to wyoming and learn what you can from the outfit that you are referring to, because the wage is not enough to get ahead on. You're basically breaking even on that. BUT, you are learning the oilfield from someone that knows it well. I'm assuming you meant 100 for the perdium.


Get your own insurance and "chase" rigs, period. hand out cards, and you will go to work. But make darn sure that you know what you're getting into!

You will find out that these rigs don't care that it is 3am on a weekend - they will call you. The hours you put in are crazy, (by definition), and you don't leave the rig site till the job is done. You will be knocked in the head by some inexperienced roughneck, you will be rained on, electrecuted, and doing the backstroke in chemicals and mud, daily. You will be trying to meet deadlines that are impossible, and dealing with one young cocky toolpusher or another on every job. These are the inexperienced, ignorant type that think it is really easy to fab and spark till the light shows on the horizon. They don't care about you or your family, only that you came out and got them drilling again..................


If you want to work till the cows come home, neglect your family, run on your own fuel, and wait 30-90 days to get paid, you could get

by the way, it's 90 an hour now up there in Wyoming, I am there 100 or more days in a the math.
Parent - - By Billyjoe (***) Date 06-07-2008 03:51
frist of all you need to get rid of that toy welder an buy you a lincom sa-200 or bigger ,I get $ 75 hour plus $150 a day prediem ,the people i work for buys all rod, gas for my rigs, and all gas for my torches ,I work for Ranger
Parent - - By pipewelder209 Date 06-13-2008 02:34
is ranger hiring anymore people! I needed a joblike that.
Parent - By old school pipe (**) Date 06-13-2008 05:25
Parent - By lesash26 Date 06-15-2008 21:33
Sorry Rig, but would you mind help me, due i'm looking for the ASME SEC VIII D1 but i can't find, do you know any free-website to downloand it??
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Rig Welders

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