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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Power Outtage Work ?
- - By guy (*) Date 02-04-2001 17:35
Parent - - By jl Date 02-05-2001 13:05
not sure where you are located, but, there are some publications I use which list outages and hours and payrates for mid west and south. I'm in NY. Handle welding related work for Utility. R, S, And U stamp work along withe procedures and such. Are you looking for a full time job as a welder/ mech in NY? We happen to be looking for that currently.

Parent - - By guy (*) Date 02-05-2001 17:40
Parent - By boilermaker (**) Date 02-06-2001 01:03
Check out the boilermaker locals around the country, and see if they're putting permit hands out....If you get on a job and are there 30 consecutive days, you can get an NTL book which will allow you to travel to any local and look for work. You'd be on the "B" list as a welder and you'd be able to make damn good money doing it....if you work up around NY, IL, MN,'re looking at anywhere from 24 to 38 and even 40 dollars an hour.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Power Outtage Work ?

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