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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Tig certification for 4130 welding
- - By perkbilt Date 01-14-2007 08:53
I'm new to the board. I have a drag race chassis shop specializing in advanced ET chassis design and fabrication. Most welding is performed on 4130 CM tubing.
I have been doing this work for nearly 10 years and never taken a cert. test before.
I have never had a structural wld failure but was interested in obtaining a certification anyway.
What type of certification standard must be met for lets say aircraft welding cert?
And does anyone know where in Central Alabama this testing can be done?
Thanks in advance
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-14-2007 13:10
AWS D17.1  Aerospace Fusion Welding Code is the most commonly used Aerospace cert used today.

Department of Defense Aerospace and Missle Code Mil-Std 2219 requires its welders to comply with D17.1 for welder performance qualification.
Parent - By monsoon12 (**) Date 01-14-2007 15:31
I ran across a company on  ebay no less that was doing certs.I found it in the welding section.He looked like his prices were pretty cheap.You take the test,send it to them,an they do the rest.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 05-11-2007 08:12
Hey Lawrence thats my current card  LOL.


Thats a pretty "fun" test to take depending on the thickness range you want to certify in.  I am not sure if it can be broke down into different coupons but I think you got to do all of them.   It would not be a cheap test either if you do all the coupons.  For doing a lot of tubing...if you took a standard 6g test that would cover a lot of ground in the type of work your doing I would think and be much cheaper than a full AWS D17.1       6g would be a butt pipe to pipe joint with a groove   set at a 45 degree angle  (cant pull a particular cert out of the air thats just a 6g but I am sure there is one). 

I don't know where you might go in Alabama but check with the local trade schools...the ones around here offer AWS tests to individuals and companies.  Even if they don't offer it there they more than likely can point you in the right direction.  Good luck man.
Parent - By magodley (**) Date 05-11-2007 13:06
Give Bill West at Lincoln Electric, Cleveland a call and see what code they are using in the Motor Sports welding class for example.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Tig certification for 4130 welding

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