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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / standard API 1104 multiple qualification test
- - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-16-2007 05:55
i got offered a job today from a company in pinedale wy. today and this is the test they are asking for can anyone tell me what this means and how the test is done i have never been on a pipeline in my life welded pipe in the oil field but well thats the oil field they dont really care as long as it holds can somne please help me with this they r paying 30 on the arm w tine n 1/2 after 8 20 on the rig 50 a day perdium free room n board in a private room in a man camp w 3 free meals a day free laundry service workin 6 10's i know it's freezin up there but work is work right now maybe i can get and maybe i cant but atleast i can try
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 01-16-2007 13:02
That would be a 12 on 12 butt and a branch.
A lot of welding!
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-16-2007 14:45
what kind of branch or is it up to the employer?
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-16-2007 14:45
now i jus gotta find some 12'' pipe lol
Parent - By samh (**) Date 01-17-2007 03:31
Some companies around where i live in texas are wanting you to take a 12 on 12 branch low hydrogen all the way and some want 5p and 70+ all the way. 
Parent - - By CECW7611 Date 01-18-2007 14:13
if they are asking for the API 1104 multiple qualification test. the test consists of a 12" butt weld, which will be destructively tested, six coupons, 2 nick breaks, 2 root bends and 2 tensiles, but nick breaks can be subatituted for the tensiles. then a 12" inverted branch weld which is basically a field fabricated tee with the branch pointing down. you have to layout, cut, fit, and weld the branch all the way out. it can be layed out and cut in any position but must be welded with the branch pointing down. there are templates that can be bought and used but the test to be properly administered should be layed out by hand without the use of the templates. there are four nick break specimens taken from this weld, one at each crotch of the tee and one on each point of the tee. there are requirements that must be met for penetration, fusion, slag, and porosity on these straps (coupons) and on the butt weld straps as well. there are also visual requirements on both welds which are listed in the standard. when you successfully complete the welds, you are qualified unlimited with only a few restrictions, those being a change in welding processes, or combination of processes, change in direction of welding, downhill to uphill or vice versa, or a change in filler metal groups which is basically a change from E-XX10, or E-XX11 to a E-XX15, XX16, or XX18 electrode. The branch weld is an endurance test. but as I said the multiple qualification test qualifies you for nearly everything you would be expected to do, all diameters, wall thicknesses, joint designs, positions, etc.

you could do the single qualification test which is a butt weld in a specific range group which is listed in the API 1104. this limits the welder to a particular diameter and wall thickness and for multiple qualifications, mulitple welds have to be made. the single qualification butt weld test can be tested by radiography as well as destructively but should not be tested by both, that ain't fair. but if you are going to weld on compressor station piping all testing must be based on destructive testing, DOT requirements. but you asked about the multiple qualification weld test and i am off subject.

as i understand it the mulitple qualification test is a hold over from the days when the union pipeline welder got a days pay for each test weld he made. multiple tests in one day, multiple days pay. it was an economic thing. now the union welder gets paid for the weld(s) that are required for him to keep his job.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-18-2007 19:35 Edited 01-18-2007 19:38
holy buckets thats alot to take in stride. for testing just for 1 job. wow i never new there was that much entailed in pipeline welding. thank you so much for explaing that to me others have tried to explain but not as far in detail as you just have this helps alot i dont have the templates but i have the circle marker which by what you just described to me is what i need wow thats alot of fitting and welding for a test once you passed the test can it or will it transfer to the next job or do you have to retes again? thanks so muhc for your time and help now i know what i'm up against pipe is expensive i'll have to see where i can get some 12'' from from what you just told me i'm gonna need at least a joint to practice with but once i get it figured out i could pretty muc go to work anywhere
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-18-2007 19:59
you said in your reply that the bracnh could be cit and layed out in any position can it be tacked together in any position as well or does the branch have to be pointiong down?
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / standard API 1104 multiple qualification test

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