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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Cutting rectangular tubing
- - By welderseller (**) Date 01-17-2007 02:20
Does anyone know of a machine other than flame cutting or plasma cutting, that would allow me to cut 1 3/4" holes(round) through 2x5 tubing??
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 01-17-2007 02:45
Hole saw works ok.  Most drills turn them a little too fast and they wear out too soon.
Parent - - By XPERTFAB (**) Date 01-17-2007 03:22
With the right mag drill this is a no brainer!  However, the cost of the 1 3/4" x 2' annualr cutting bit will sober you up a little.  Works good with some of the larger Jancy or similar machines.  A ground down "spade drill" (local slang for straight shank drill) such as used for gun drilling operations works awesome in a Milwaukee mag drill with a 3/4" Jacobs type chuck as chip clearance is usually not too big a problem in this range of material thicknesses.  This particular drill is heavy though!!
I am under the assumption that you are drilling the through hole across the two inch dimension. need more help just email and good luck!

Parent - By samh (**) Date 01-17-2007 03:29
I agree. i just recentley had to drill 24 1 5/8" holes in some 3/4" a36 material and i used a milwaukee hole hawg drill. Works very well as long as you get cutting oil on the bit. And yes they are expensive both the drill and the bits but if you need it it comes in real handy. 
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Cutting rectangular tubing

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