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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Upcoming technical committee meetings, April 2007:
- - By Cgregory (**) Date 01-17-2007 16:34
The American Welding Society will be holding the following technical committee meetings in April 2007:

April 2-4, 2007, A2 Committee on Definitions and Symbols.  Raleigh, NC.
Standard preparation and general meeting.  Staff Contact:  S. Morales, ext. 313.

April 17, 2007, SH1 Subcommittee on Fumes and Gases.  Columbus, OH.
Standard preparation and general meeting.  Staff Contact:  S. P. Hedrick, ext. 305.

April 17-19, 2007, D14 Committee on Machinery and Equipment.  Longview, TX.
Standard preparation and general meeting.  Staff Contact:  J. L. Gayler, ext. 472.

April 19, 2007, D15C Subcommittee on Track Welding.  Jacksonville, FL.
Standard preparation meeting.  Staff Contact:  S. Morales, ext. 313.

April 25, 2007, SH4 Subcommittee on Labeling and Safe Practices.  Pittsburgh, PA.
Standard preparation and general meeting.  Staff Contact:  S. P. Hedrick, ext. 305.

Please note that AWS committee meetings are open to the public. We welcome your input.

-- Christine
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-17-2007 16:55

Many, if not most of the technical committee's are always looking for volunteer member's.  Why not put a quick little blurb about what it takes to become a committee member and maybe even include a link to committee member application?  If this is a good idea then also would it also be a good idea to list the Staff Secretary e-mail address?  (To send in committee application).
Parent - - By Cgregory (**) Date 01-17-2007 17:10
The technical committee membership application can be found here:

To contact AWS staff committee members by e-mail, please check the committee listing for the meeting you may be interested in attending first, then contact the staff member associated with that meeting.   Here's more contact information -- please note that I added space marks in these e-mail addresses to prevent these guys from getting flooded with spam, so delete the space marks before trying to send any e-mails.

Annette Alonso, aalonso @, ext 299
Rakesh Gupta, gupta @, ext 301
Selvis Morales, smorales @, ext 313
John Gayler, gayler @, ext 472
Stephen Hedrick, steveh @, ext 305

Do any committee members wish to tell us about their experiences on committees? 

-- Christine
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-17-2007 17:28 Edited 01-17-2007 17:33
Committee Secretary's email addresses are listed on AWS Homepage under "Contact AWS" Technical Services. 

My experience on a variety of committee's has been some of the most richly rewarding aspects of my entire career.  Not only does one gain SIGNIFICANT contacts within our industry but serving on volunteer committee allows one first hand insight, and maybe more importantly, input into standards development.  Needless to say, the educational benefits of serving on committee are mind boggling... just imagine for a moment sitting across from the likes of Dr. Omer Blodgett or Dr. Damien Kotecki (just to mention two of the greats) and listening to them discuss technical matters for a few hours and a few days each year... and, even better, being able to ask them questions with one on one responses!  Priceless.

EDIT: To become a volunteer member do this:

Step 1, complete and submit the application to the proper Staff Secretary
Step 2, attend as many meetings as you can
Step 3, respond in a timely manner to all correspondence
Step 4, if one follows these 3 steps, it would "normally" take 3 - 4 meetings of attendance to be named to committee or subcommittee (which is where most people start out).
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Upcoming technical committee meetings, April 2007:

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