"Underworld Welding Federation Champion" - Hmmmm, I did not know there was such a thing!!!
Now, is there also a "Overworld Welding Federation Champion"??? What does it all mean???
"Loose Lips - Sink Ships???" Aw shucks, I was never any good in coming up with "Eye catching" phrases so, you'll just have to bear with me... Wait - I know!!! "Lawrence of Arcadia!!!", "Hydrogen Henry???" Nahhhh!!!!
Wait a second, let me start all over with: "Pope of PQR's, "Mullah of Metal", "Legend of Liquation", "Guru of Grooves", "Icon of Inclusion", "Bishop of Brazing" (Sorry Mr. Peaslee), "Viceroy of Voltage", "Behemoth of Buttering"... See - I told ya!!! ROTFLMAO!!!