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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Length of Slot Welds
- - By H.Dibben (*) Date 01-19-2007 14:36
I have what I hope is a simple question.

On the symbol for slot welds, the number to the right of the box is the length of the slot.  Is this the overall length or the length between the centres of the two semi circles on the ends of the slot?
Parent - - By drifter57 (**) Date 01-19-2007 18:05
Harold, the way I understand this is the lenght of the slot is to the right. If it has for example a 3-10 this would be a 3" long weld. The distance between centers would be 10". If the symbol just has a 3 or whatever this is length of weld.Any body correct me if Im wrong but this is my understanding of this.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-19-2007 18:19 Edited 01-19-2007 20:03
Tom, You have it right.

3/4 [_1/2_] 3-10

***Completely edited***  I corrected some of the info that was wrong.

Excuse my drawing, but the dim to the left is the slot width(3/4), dim inside the slot weld symbol is the depth of filling if no dim is show it is to be filled completely,dim directly under is the angle of the counter sink(30degrees), the dim directly under the angle of countersink is the number of slots shown in parenthasis(6), the dim on the right is the length of weld(3") followed by the pitch(10"c/c) AWS A2.4-98 pages 61-64
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 01-19-2007 19:13
John, I believe Harold's original question was actually how long is the slot supposed to be when indicated as 3". As I read his question, he is asking for the overall length of the 3" dimension, meaning, is that outside edge to outside edge of the 3" slot or is it center to center of the radius of the ends of the slot when the slot is using radiused end points. Let me take a stab at clarifying what I just said. If I have a 1" wide slot that has been made by punching 2 1" holes 3" apart and then cutting the material out between the holes is that the correct way to make the 3" slot, or should I punch the 1" holes 2" apart and then remove the material between the holes to make the slot? I believe the latter is the correct way to make the slot in this case. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks and regards, Allan
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-19-2007 20:14 Edited 01-19-2007 20:18
Let me see if I can post a picture from a scanned image. Allen, I believe you are correct...look at the drawing at the bottom of the sheet, it shows a 2" weld dimensioned from e/e rather than c/c.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 01-19-2007 20:41
Hello John, thanks for the detailed reply. I believe the images you have posted should answer his question fully, it definitely helped to take care of my doubts. Have a good day, Allan
Parent - By H.Dibben (*) Date 01-19-2007 22:14
Thank you all for the replies.

I had guessed that the length was center to centre of the holes, but I have been corrected.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Length of Slot Welds

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