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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Emergencies.....
- - By yorkiepap (***) Date 01-20-2007 19:20 Edited 01-20-2007 23:48
Hey Guys,
This forum really shows and brings out the best in our work environment, home life, values, and the talent and dedication of all those here. My query is to all who have gone thru some sort of natural disaster and the precautions you had the foresight to implement. Since the news has really shown the unpreparedness of most, and the increasing fickleness of Mother Nature, are you prepared to be self-sufficient?

In the fall of 1990, I made a decision to kinda get set up "Just In Case". Bought a 6500W generator and installed it in my shop in the basement. Picked up 10 Jerry cans at a local surplus store that were like new at 10 bucks each. Tied in to my main panel so I could keep all the necessities running if there was a sudden loss of power, especially during the cold season. I had been stocking up water in juice containers because of all the new construction in our area and the constant interruption of the water service.  Maintained a cupboard of supplies in the laundry room and had a good supply of venison in the freezer. Talk about luck....that Jan of '91, we had a brutal storm that started as an ice storm and then followed with almost 30" of snow. Power went out and I had the opportunity to test my precautions. I was up & running within 15 minutes and everything was back to normal, and I was warm. After 1 hour, the phone started to ring & everyone wanted to know why I had power and the rest of the entire town was dark. Simply said: "guess no one else in town has a generator, huh?" Had a lot of offers to keep me company.....

In addition, I maintain a deadly arsenal and the equip. necessary if anything goes to ugly. My home is my zone.....don't tread on me!!!!

Anyway, since things in this country have gotten so unpredictable, man & nature both, how have the rest of you prepared, or thought about any kind of preparing for whatever rears its ugly head? Just curious to those in the different geographical areas of the country and those already affected by this winter....Denny
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 01-21-2007 00:24
I  am  also looking to hook-up some aux power to the house , and use my welder as the power source . Where did yoy locate or what did you do for a switch to go from grid power to aux. Here on the west coast of British Columbia CDN we get a lot of power outages during the winter months. Can't agree more about that arsenal a man can never have too many firearms. 
Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 01-21-2007 01:47
Well we dont really have any natural diasters around here. We have a generator, wood heat and a backup water system. We sometines get snowed in and sometimes it REALLY floods. That really all of our diasters around here. We get a lot of power outtages in the winter, but all we do is get out the lanturns and fire up that ol' stove. Its kinda normal to be with out power for at lest 5 days at a time. 
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-21-2007 21:39
Denny, let me tell you this: My "Onstar" is my 44 special wedged in the seat crack.

I always keep food stored, (my wife is Mormon), and I have a birds eye view of who's coming down my road for 2 miles. My entire acreage is fenced with barbwire,
and we are planning an automated gate at the driveway this spring.

If theyr'e comin on, than they better come on, if you know what I mean. All I know for sure is that a bunch of them are goin down before my family does.

Geez, I just realized i'm sounding extreme, woops. Gotta say though, you can never prepare enough!!
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 01-22-2007 18:37
i keep the basement pantry full, had a generator for years, and several hand guns. felt much safer after getting a smaller 4-10 with a thirty round clip.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-27-2007 17:40
I had a street sweeper once with a canister instead of clip. 3" magnums as fast as you can pull the trigger. It was stolen when my pick-up was broke into. I could handle about 12 rounds before I had to give my shoulder a rest. Can you imagine going up against that kind of firepower? A guy would have to have nerves of steel and be an absolute marksman to take you down!
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 01-28-2007 01:36
To top that you would need one of those mk 19 machine guns the army has.  Shoots 40mm grenades 300 rounds per minute.  Must be very impressive down range.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-28-2007 04:05 Edited 01-28-2007 04:14
Anybody seen that "Hummin Heater" non-lethal gizmo the Army just unveiled in the news lately?

Man! Just mount 4-6 of them (2-3 on the roof & 2-3 around the front or back of homebase) with independant turrets & CCTV camera's attached at strategic locations related to the perimeter of your homebase, and no one's gonna want to come visit you without an invitation first!!!

The best thing about this system is no one has to die - they just need to feel the heat & run like heck!!!

Another application would be to use one of these to make sure your vehicle does'nt get stolen or re-possessed from your garage... Mount one of these smaller size dishes on a automated drone type flying/hovering device that could loiter in the air and monitor your vehicle while you take care of business in the city without the worry of somebody stealing your vehicle, having someone get too close to write a parking ticket to your vehicle or having them inpound your vehicle!!! Yeah right!!!
Well - at least I can dream about this stuff!!!

Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 01-29-2007 16:00
didn't those start out as a naval anti missile system. i believe it was called the phoenix. came out about 5-7 years ago. very impressive
Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 01-29-2007 16:11
Mk 15 Phalanx?
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 01-29-2007 16:26
i knew it started with a ph, just could not remember the rest. thanks
Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 01-29-2007 20:01
A Mk. 15 Phalanx is a automated 20mm chaingun turret for close in defense.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 02-01-2007 06:14
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-01-2007 10:02
Forgive me fella's for confusing you with my own "nickname" for this new Non-lethal weapon technology...
Here's the link that explains it better in detail:

Here are some other links that also explain the ADS otherwise known as the Active Denial System or properly nicknamed "The Goodbye Effect Weapon as opposed ot my own nickname: "The Hummin Heater":

There's also alot of websites that attempt to scare you into thinking that these systems will be used against us also!!! have fun reading these articles!!!

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Emergencies.....

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