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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Oxarc sponsored Stainless Steel Seminar
- - By chuck meadows (***) Date 01-21-2007 19:27
Oxarc, a leading welding distributor in the Washington area is hosting a Stainless Steel Seminar on Tuesday, February 20, from 9AM to 4PM at the Oxarc Training Center in Spokane, Washington. I am honored, and very humbled, to have been asked to be the guest speaker for this seminar. The topics will be 1) Stainless Steel-Their Properties and Their Suitability for Welding, 2) Heat Affected Zones in Stainless Steel Weldments, 3) Importance of Cleaning and Pickling Stainless Steels Both Before and After Welding, and 4) Available Chemicals for Restoring the Passivated Layer on Stainless Steels. Not part of the seminar, but a CD with Avesta's latest-in-technology 2D3D4D electrodes will be available as well as a hard copy of the Avesta Welding Manual. This post is not intended to be an advertisement for Avesta, but most of you know I'm the Technical Service Manager for Avesta, and since Avesta produces only Stainless Steel welding consumables, it is logical that I will have info on our products. I am also told a CD video of the presentation will be available. If anyone has any questions regarding this seminar, please feel free to contact me and I will forward you the information as I have it. Thank you.

Parent - - By webbcity (***) Date 01-21-2007 21:12
chuck , i would love to attend if only to meet you but cannot . i have a friend who might he is wintering in portland and is close he may be able . i will need more directions and phone numbers for him . thanks for all you do on the forum . good luck . willie
Parent - By chuck meadows (***) Date 01-21-2007 21:16
Willie, have him e-mail me and I can give him the info or I can fax him the flier. Thanks, my friend..

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 01-22-2007 19:45
Hello Chuck, if I can swing it I will try to make it to your presentation. The Tuesday presentation date makes it kind of rough, as I'm still around 300+ miles from Spokane, but it sounds like a very informative and worthwhile event. Hope to see you there and I would appreciate any information that you could email to me, Thanks again Chuck and regards, Allan
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 01-22-2007 20:09
would like to go, living so close. but i've got my aisc audit that day. would rather be there
Parent - By chuck meadows (***) Date 01-22-2007 20:16
I think it is going to be put on video CD, so maybe I can send you a copy. That is, if I don't embarrass myself..LOL
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Oxarc sponsored Stainless Steel Seminar

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