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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / details of Inconel Welding
- - By syda (*) Date 02-06-2007 05:52
hello, i'm Sydney from sri Lanka. I work at Colombo DockYard as a ship repair Engineer. i'd like to get some advice on the maximum tickness that can be welded and if any type of cushion layer is required if the number of layers are more.
thanks and looking forward for info.
Parent - By PhilThomas (**) Date 02-06-2007 19:08
More details are needed to provide a useful response - what are the base metals to be welded (*which* Inconel?  both sides of the joint?), what process do you want to use, position of welding, etc.
Parent - By syda (*) Date 02-07-2007 07:50
thanks for the response phil,
the job specification for inconel was the repair of corroded area of a fuel valve nozzle area. the welding on cylinder cover, in case of burn through.
the material -P372 type S 17Mos and PS65 type S 19 Mo forged, hardened and tempered Cr Mo steel.

when i went through literature i found the following filler rods for welding. Weltig 625 NIPPON WELDING CO JAPAN, BOHLER Nibas 625-1G, ESAB Tig rod 13.12  etc.
the problem is that we need to gouge about 10 deep through the rust area, and i need to know what is the maximum thickness that i can weld as cushion layers and the maximum inconel thickness that can be applied
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / details of Inconel Welding

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