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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / stinless steel 304
- - By syda (*) Date 02-06-2007 07:54
Hello everybody,There are some s/s 304 grade pipes very difficult in welding. Though we have used s/s 29.9 type electrodes its still keep on cracking on hez area. My next step is 308 will it be sucess ?
Thanks and looking forward the info.
Parent - - By medicinehawk (**) Date 02-06-2007 10:38
Are you using the SMAW process? Sounds like it. Anyway, I agree that 308L electrodes are the correct rod to use whatever welding process you are using to weld 304. If you are using 304 as opposed to 304L for the base metal material, this way also affect the HAZ cracking you are experiencing due to a high sulfur content, IMO.
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 02-06-2007 16:30
I think you have sound advice Hawk, but we also use 309L when we weld some 304L tubing, but that's just for pulse GMAW.  If it's SMAW we always use 308L.
We need to know if it's 304, or 304L, as the Hawk says it WILL have a profound effect on the HAZ cracking.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 02-06-2007 16:58
I'm having difficulty understanding how changing filler metals helps with HAZ cracking. If it is indeed HAZ cracking you have a problem with the base metal.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-06-2007 19:39
Hello js55, do you think that he is possibly referring to the boundary region between the parent metal and the weld metal where the dilution is taking place? That might explain cracking issues due to filler metal changes. If not, I would guess there are some preheat/postheat/interpass temperature issues that are causing the problems. Would that seem logical to you? Regards, aevald
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 02-06-2007 20:17
I think you may be dead on. A miss identification of HAZ seems possible. Its hard to imagine true HAZ problems with SS's unless a base metal with high S (or something) is liquating at high temp. Though I've never seen this. I could be wrong. Still, fusion boundary cracking leading into the HAZ with austenitics is not something I've seen either. Again though it could be maybe S diluting at the fusion boundary,as you say. Most hot cracking accomodates itself by pushing cooling stresses and 'junk' along the solidification front until the point of last solidification. I think we need more info. Uh, so that we can generate more speculation. Its fun. Cold cracking jumps the fusion boundary, but thats not something you normally see with austenitics.
Parent - By syda (*) Date 02-07-2007 07:38
thanks guys,
i got the info by reading the posts, i still have a few querries, wil post with more info
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / stinless steel 304

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