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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / how to welding on a new vehicle
- - By BAJA Date 02-14-2007 00:42
I am trying to find out what is the "SAFE NO HARM" way to mig weld on a new vehicle (2006 Ford E350 van with a Diesel motor). I am told that you can damage the computer if you weld on these new vehicles, even if the battery is how can you weld on them?
Any help would be much
Parent - By Harvard (*) Date 02-14-2007 17:29
Hello Baja. Well, right now I am a welder in a coal mine. And on all of the heavy equipment with computers we have to shutoff the master switch wich kills all of the juice to everything. And, it has never damaged a thing yet. And, I think if you where to un hook the batteries you should be fine. What are you wanting to weld on to it??
Hope this Helped,
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 02-14-2007 17:39
One thing that may be helpful is to ground directly to your work.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / how to welding on a new vehicle

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