One thing I would like you to consider.I own some HTP equipment,and,it is quality machinery.however,whenever you have to get a part,or any service done,99% of the time you have to deal directly with Jeff Noland and his staff.They are nice and helpful,but,when your in the middle of a job and you need somthing,you cant just run down to Cameron,Airgas etc. and get what you need.They are also a bit decieving as they would have you believe by reading there catalog and website that they are made 100% in the U>S>A> They are not.They are not chinese junk and are made in european countrys,but they certainly lead you down the road of thought that their product is u.s.a. made.I would honestly stay with red or blue,or maybe even ESAB as they have a cool little inverter too.Just my 2 cents.G...........