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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Multi weld joints simultaneously small joints.
- - By sp09206 Date 02-23-2007 12:56
Currently run a product through a braze furnace that requires several joints to be brazed at one time. Cost of operating a large brazeing furnace to produce the product has risen so high that not cost effective to perform this operation.

Material is mild steel, has a endcap 0.042 thick, round 3.5" diameter. Endcap has pierced holes with tubes and fittings protuding. Want to make the joints via welding or other form of jointing to remove process from the large braze furnace.

Smaller furnace will not do, want to avoid as many utilities as possible in large amounts. Natural gas, electricity, water for cooling.

Joints are small some .750 & .625 in diameter and are close together. Three joints are external to the endcap and three internal to complete all joints.

Looking for a process and equipment to build into a working operation or a turnkey system. Willing to send samples. If you have possible solutions, post e-mail and will reply directly to you.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-23-2007 15:17
Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 02-23-2007 19:51
Hey sp,
I'll go along with Lawrence with induction welding, and there are other avenues such as carbon resistance welding. A company I retired from did both magnetic induction and carbon resistance with tremendous success and was very cost-effective. The initial investment in the equipment would be substantial, but would quickly be offset if you had sufficient quantities to do. And in addition, these 2 processes are quite adaptable for a lot of different applications. Maybe try some web searches for these processes.......Denny
Parent - By Weldconsultant (*) Date 03-05-2007 04:23
Depending on the part design and access, either TIG welding or laser welding might be possible alternatives.  Would avoid any problems with flux residue and braze flow.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-05-2007 19:26
Hi sp09206!

I personally cannot give you any advice with regards to your query... However, a gentleman named Bob Peaslee who frequents the "Brazing & Soldering" section in this forum and is in my opinion, one of the most knowledgeable and helpful experts in brazing today - PERIOD!

I would like to suggest that you post the question in that section because more than likely, you'll get his attention since he participates in that section almost exclusively.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Multi weld joints simultaneously small joints.

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