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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / sample of procedure
- - By a-sharif Date 02-24-2007 19:05
Dear sirs
I need samples of complete procedures about bellow subjects for ISO you know any website that i can download them?
1.welding coordinator responsibility
2.prepare the WPS and PQR
3. review documents and handling of welding consumable
best regards
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 02-25-2007 16:03
Write to Chris Smallbone of the Welding Technology Institute of Australia (WTIA).  Type in wtia in your search engine and seek the Welding Technology Institute of Australia.  Either that or go to the ISO/IIW Website to purchase.  By the way, there are several documents in the ISO3834 system. ISO3834-1, -2 etc.
Parent - By nosetackle (**) Date 02-26-2007 08:22

1 welding coordinator responsibity
in section 6.3 it directs to en 719

2-wps and pqr prepare.
in section 9.2 it directs to iso 9956

3-review and comments
in sec 13. it directs to iso 9606 9956 9692 13916 9712

4-storage and handling of consumables
in sec 10.3 and 11

basically it indicates. storage shall be such that the material will not be adversely affected. identification shall be maintained during storage.
the manufacturer shall produce and implement procedure for storage and handling,

basically it says nothing special just apart from common sense.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / sample of procedure

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