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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding "Hiduminium"
- - By KWynn Date 02-17-2001 21:57
I have a part fabricated from .125 "Hiduminium" sheet. I don't know much of anything about the alloy, except that it's supposed to be around 95 Al, 4 Cu, and 1 Mg.

someone has stamped some markings into the surface. to restore the original appearance, I need someone to weld over them. very little penetration would be necessary. from there, I can take over and smooth things out.

any ideas who can successfully weld this? or any additional info on "Hiduminium" would be welcome. thanks for any help!
Parent - By Ti double-G er (*) Date 03-20-2001 03:02
It stands for high ductility aluminium, and for the life of me I can't remember why I know this although I'm fairly sure it is a trade name. In the early 70's when they were using aluminium in house wire they added a similar amount of copper to improve workability.
As for blending the the stamp marks, you could try just flame blending using AC tig and argon for gas. Whenever I have to mess with disimilar metal I turn the wave balance to zero for maximum oxide removal
I hope this helps...Sean
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding "Hiduminium"

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