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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / x-ray source and detector
- - By chuangxinzhao Date 02-26-2007 21:05
Dear all,

I want to detect some small particles inside aluminum weld pool, is there any x-ray source can finish this work? the sample depth about 15mm, particle size about 0.05mm. please give me some suggestion about the x-ray source and detector. how many Kev it need to detect borune particle inside aluminum.

best regards
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 02-26-2007 23:15
i do believe welding produces ionizing radiation, at a level that would make detection of borune very difficult
if you don't mind me asking why?
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / x-ray source and detector

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