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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Looking for tips for XY-tek soldering station
- - By Jdlugosz Date 02-27-2007 22:41
Altex Electronics no longer carries this brand, and I've had no luck finding them on the web, under a few different spellings.  How can I find tips for it?  Everyone has Weller, but they are too large in diameter.

Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 02-27-2007 23:36
I used to have an ungar handle that had tips threaded on the outside.  A piece of #10 wire and a threading die worked there.  I don't suppose you are that lucky.  Digikey has a lot of tips perhaps you can find what you need there.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Looking for tips for XY-tek soldering station

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