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Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 03-04-2007 20:40
I agree 100% with your last statement.

Chuck,your participation on this forum (and your willingness to help off the forum) have been invaluable to me in the past.
Thanks, kind regards and keep on posting,
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-05-2007 01:42 Edited 03-06-2007 05:11
I for one happen to agree wholeheartedly with your perspective CWI555, and I need to apologize for not constructing my observation and comments along the lines your message has ultimately fulfilled with respect to the intent of my opinion... Thank you CWI555 for helping me clarify for the rest of the folks here the gist of my previous post.

I also concurr with Chuck in his opinion, and echo CWI555's comment to Chuck in not needing to apologize for anything mentioned by Chuck!

I believe Stephan is an excellent addition to this forum also but, I'm highly skeptical that he is only a "humble" welder... Now that does'nt mean that I'm absolutely correct in my observation because after all it's only an observation... Nothing more, nothing less. My intent was not to discredit Stephan at all with my comments... My intent was only to see if I could have Stephan reveal a bit more about his background if he chose to do so... Nothing more, nothing less! If I have offended Stephan, I apologize - PERIOD!

As I stated before and btw, I was one of the first here to "weldcome" Stephan here - I still believe Stephan is an interesting "Breath of fresh air" so to speak in this forum.

My only request in the future is, if Stephan were to discuss some of his observations that for the most part are going over the heads of the majority of participants in this forum, to try to keep it as simple as possible so that for the most part, everyone here can keep track or have a better shot at understanding where the discussion is heading. and why certain principles relate with one another because after all not all of us understand most of what is going on with respect to the content in some of your observations there Stephan.

I'm not personally having a problem with your posts because I find them refreshing however, some folks wonder where you're coming from sometimes. So if you could elaborate more on the many references you use in your discussions so that the rest of the folks could keep up with the discussion, then the potential for REAL Scientific education can begin here for the folks that do not normally have the background to understand what is being discussed. I sincerely hope that I did'nt offend you Stephan!

BTW, Interesting are your comments regarding the 416 CWI555... The reason I asked is because, I'm an avid fan of the cable program named "Future Weapons" so I thought to ask what your observations were regarding this weapon - Thanks!

Do you you have an opinion with respect to the new Israeli assault rifle?
I'm not talking about the one that can shoot around corners, I'm talking about the one that's now being slowly introduced to some of the IDF's battalions in northern command.

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-06-2007 02:25
I'll answer the IDF question in the off topic forum.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-06-2007 05:12
I look foward to it CWI555!

Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-05-2007 06:40
What we Americans speak and are used to hearing is "American English". I would not criticize a German for not speaking in "everyday language" when it isn't even His first language. I don't know who Stephan is, what His background is, or where He gets His information, but He seems to have a pretty good grasp on technical matters, this thread and others. On this forum I have met a much different group of people than the "rod burners" that worked at the truck frame plant [in defense of those at the plant there were a few, precious few who were good welders] I am learning plenty from this forum [even if some is over My head] that I didn't get from the 30 year old books from when I was an AWS member.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 03-05-2007 15:16
Stephen's post certainly generated an interesting discussion. Thats its value. The very reason I keep coming back. Fact is, if one gets too 'recondite' nobody will respond, except maybe to say, 'huh'. If that person wishes to engage then they will have to bring it back down a notch. But from what I've seen in this forum not too far I bet.
Parent - By webbcity (***) Date 03-04-2007 21:50
chuck , please keep on doing all of the nice things that you do on the forum . you have always made it eazy to understand . when i need help i will call on you . your friend . willie
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 03-08-2007 06:48
Dear Chuck,
Dear all,

I have requested your correction you have kindly took my hand and shown me the way.

I see I have not found the right words and now I have learned my lesson. For all of that Thank You.

I have intensively thought about what has happened and I request the permission to state once again, but this time in a way that - hopefully - awakes your grudge against me. Please believe me I have never intended to appear "visciously" and have ever meant it honestly.

1. There are phases being stringently stoichiometric due to specific elements react in a mutual way. These phases are called "Zintl-Phases" and can be seen as "compounds" in sense of its chemical character.

2. There are phases being both stoichiometric and non stoichiometric due to other specific elements do react in a mutual way. These intermetallic phases are called "Laves-Phases".

3. There are phases being non stoichiometric and thus belonging to the "Laves-Phase-Group" and forming additionally a kind of "transition-phases" (FeCr-Sigma in stainless steels is as far as I interprete it right one of these non stoichiometric "transition-phases") to the next and stringent non stoichiometric phase-group, the

4. Hume-Rothery-Phases. These phases are stringent non stoichiometric and thus definitely no compounds in sense of its chemical character.

When I have done something wrong, please forgive me, I didn't wanted to.

Sincerely Yours,
Parent - - By chuck meadows (***) Date 03-08-2007 18:09
  Personally, I hold no grudges against anyone. And, no offense was ever intended.
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 03-18-2007 12:31
Thank you Chuck and... Gerald!
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-08-2007 22:54
There is no apology necessary Stephan, and no offense taken.

Parent - By darren (***) Date 03-10-2007 07:04
I really don't care who he is or isn't, to me he is stephan, the guy who helped me with my problem. I just wish there were more of his type to help us be better at what we are, just humble welders. now if we could get him focused on my 84 flht and how to keep my old lady happy.
p.s. very impressed and thankful that there are guys like all of you in the thread that are willing to help out the industry. and for the most part on your own time
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