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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / certificación de norma
- - By ivan vargas f. Date 02-28-2007 21:54
  Srs AWS
              Mi consulta es la siguiente cuando uno certifica una norma ejm D1.1 tiene duración esta certificación?
Parent - By Mwccwi (***) Date 02-28-2007 22:55
My Spanish is not real strong so I hope I'm resopnding correctly. If your asking about welder certifiation the reference from D1.1:2002 Welders and Welding operators. The welder's or welding operator's qualifications as specified in this code shall be considered as remaining in effect indefinately unless (1) the welderi s not engaged in a given process of welding for which the Welder and Welding operator is qualified for a period exceeding six months or unless (2) there is some specific reason to question a welder's or welding operator's ability (see 4.32.1)

Remember this is a minimum requirement, many engineers or specification tend add more restriction to these requirements to satisfy there obligations to safety or whatever.

Parent - By franciscocl7 (*) Date 03-21-2007 01:39
Hola Ivan

No se a que te refieres con esa  pregunta, dejame ver si entendi.

Que cuando tu te certificas como CWI o certificas a un soldador con AWS D1.1, cuanto es el periodo de vigencia de dicha certificacion?
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / certificación de norma

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