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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Got Dog, Or Pets
- - By TozziWelding (**) Date 03-07-2007 03:07
Here is my wife and mines monster rescued from PR 2.5 years ago.
Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 03-07-2007 03:35
Hey Tozzi,
Good topic....

This was my best friend for 15 years till 10/25/06 and God took him....

I just started looking for a new buddy this past week. Took a while to let go....  They are the most wonderful companions.....Denny
Parent - - By chuck meadows (***) Date 03-07-2007 04:27 Edited 03-07-2007 04:30
Tozzi and Denny,
  Great pics guys...God blessed me and my wife with 8 cats !!! They were all born and  rescued behind my wife's Goodyear store. (Just ask jon20013) All pets are a blessing to all of us. Thanks for sharing a subject that is near and dear to many of us. My daughter wants to be reincarnated as one on our cats. LOL..Unconditional love is hard to come by...This is hard to admit, but me and my wife bought a motorhome just so our cats can go with us on some of my business trips. Are they worth that much money??? ABSOLUTELY!!! Just ask Christine...Isn't this a better subject than carbide precipitation, sigma, sensitization, and all those other metallurgical aspects?? Again, thanks Guys..God bless you all!!

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-07-2007 06:43 Edited 03-08-2007 05:29
We have a cat with unlimited acess to the basement where My shop is and limited acess in the house proper. I was fooling arround with a beat up old rosebud, the cat was lying in her bed ocasionally looking over to see what I was doing. Between the hissing, smoke and popping She soon decided She didn't like the O/A torch. Now She goes outside if I uncoil the hoses. She isn't too keen on extension cords or any hoses, air, garden, vacuum cleaner etc. This cat was a stray, and really is an outside cat. She doesn't like snow and cold weather much, so She spends a lot of time inside now. She gets bored, gets in troubble by snooping arround in parts of the house She isn't supposed to be in etc. She was bringing mice and birds inside to play with them [still alive] a few got away in the basment. Somewhere allong the way She has learned to kill them outside, I hope She doesn't regress.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 03-07-2007 11:12
3 cats, all rescued from shelters.  Cheap entertainment, they're easy to take care of and always good for a laugh.  My wife say's she wants to be reincarnated as a cat, but only if it's in our household!  A very tough life being an indoor cat... get up, eat,, use the litter box, knock around some toys, chew a few plants, sharpen their claws on some fine furniture, watch a few birds or squirrels through the windows and then go hop on the bed and wait for mom & dad to get home... and feed them...  I don't know how they take it!!!
Parent - - By Cgregory (**) Date 03-07-2007 15:57
My cats left me a carefully dismembered lizard on my computer chair after I left them for three days. Now THAT'S love :) 

-- christine
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 03-07-2007 16:03
christine, you leave food for them, don't you? They are just reciprocating. Enjoy!
Parent - By Cgregory (**) Date 03-07-2007 16:06
Well, part of the reason I leave food for them is for my own personal safety :)
Parent - By pat31 (*) Date 05-22-2007 00:41 Edited 05-22-2007 00:44
this was my best friend for 10 years, 4 of which she came to work with me,unfortunatly  she passed a month ago.
Parent - - By Mwccwi (***) Date 03-07-2007 12:13
a Few cats and a dog who thinks he's a cat
Attachment: Camra022.jpg (0B)
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Attachment: Camra017.jpg (0B)
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 03-07-2007 15:57
Last year my Grandson wanted to try his hand at raising a Goat. He got one with a nursing kid. Between the dog and the kid he had a pretty good summer with us. Trouble was he made such a pet of the kid it thought it was a dog.

It took over the dog's bed on the front porch. The dog was very up set about it too. No matter how much ruckus she raised the kid never budged.

The boy found another bed very much like the dogs only larger and put it beside the dog's bed. Problem is goats are much less concerned about their surroundings than dogs and smell much worse.

Hated to see the boy go back to school but it didn't take long to teach the kid where it belonged.

I have a photo and will post it when I find out how.
Attachment: MVC-898L.JPG (0B)
Parent - By Cgregory (**) Date 03-07-2007 15:58
Hee :)  I have a cat that thinks he's a dog.
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 03-07-2007 17:54
We have 7 dogs, 3 cats, an iguana, 50+ chickens, 4 goats, 20ish rabbits, and two geese, and some ducks.

My wife has a website listing most of our animals at

Here are a few

Nesbit the Goat

Willie-My Dog

Some Birds

Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 03-07-2007 18:00
Gerald, where on Earth do you keep them all???? :-0
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 03-07-2007 20:09
I have 5 acres. The rabbits ducks and chickens are just passing through on the way to the freezer:)
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 03-07-2007 20:10
:-)  A pleasant passing I am assured! ;-)
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 03-07-2007 23:52
Denny: If you're only wanting a pet, but want pure blood you will probably do the best on Since the little man was born, we haven't been to a show, except for watching on tv. I'll beat the bushes for a teacup and get back with you.
For all you other dog fans: you can see my (former) dog "Butterbean" on
Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 04-14-2007 00:57
Hey S/D,
I've been blessed another Yorkie. My mom just happened to scour the pet ads on Wed. the 11th and found an ad with a male & female for sale a few miles from my home. I called and went to their home within an hour and brought him home. He's 8 wks old, house trained, and is a Toy Yorkie, a little bigger than the Teacup. He'll go 6-8lbs. He loves to ride in the truck....don't know how he'll do on the bike....but, I'll try. He is so good in the house...I'm having some fun's a couple pics....Denny
Parent - By ross (***) Date 04-14-2007 05:22
Congratulations! Looks like he'll be a great watch dog.
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 04-14-2007 06:14
Well there just isn't any need for anything to be cuter than that.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-17-2007 23:27
Right on!!
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 04-18-2007 13:49
I'm just starting to get into the Lab scene. Going to pick up my very own 1st new chocolate lab friday and i'm hoping she is going to be a smart one.  I've had 3 Labs since i was a kid and i have become a sucker for them ever since.  This will be my 1st chocolate so i'm hoping she will turn out looking real good.  She comes from a very impressive pedigree so i think i will be allright.  Anyone have any good pointers on Training or where to go to get some good tips on training?
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-19-2007 01:45 Edited 04-19-2007 01:51
I've got an invisible pet elephant that reveals itself to the world every once in awhile and wrecks everything in it's path until I tell it to go to sleep!!! ;)

Oh yeah I almost forgot... Sometimes it does'nt listen to me!!! His name is, you guessed it - "Tiny!" ;)

Henry the Elephant Trainer! ;)
Parent - - By JA (**) Date 05-09-2007 23:41
doggs are thw besr
Parent - By JA (**) Date 05-09-2007 23:46
boy , where did "that" come computer is going crazy,,,,,,,i'm trying to download my dogs pic...sorry.......
Parent - By Eutectic (**) Date 05-10-2007 11:46 Edited 05-10-2007 11:55
We have 2 cats were I live now in Dubai, But back home,in South Africa, we have a farm with a bit of game on it, I dont think it qualifies as pets but is a treat nonetheless

The first pic is me and my cat Hannes

then a Girafe Bull of aprox 3 years
then true african cattle that was raised by the Zulus back in the day and still, The breed is known as Nguni, Higly sought after for their paterned hides, and lastly 2 Zebras.
Man I mis home!!!
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Got Dog, Or Pets

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