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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Need Aluminum welders bad!!
- - By Kix (****) Date 03-13-2007 18:34
Teachers, if you have any students that can weld aluminum (GTAW and GMAW) And want to make some quick cash let me know.  The Place is Seagrave Fire Apparatus, LLC in Clintonville, WI.  We are in need of talented welders very badly.(May be possible to bring a few guys into the union for a fixed job if interested)  If this does not apply here can someone steer me in the right direction to find some guys?
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-13-2007 18:43
Parent - By ryland (*) Date 03-16-2007 01:42
hello kix, I teach a program, that offers this education, but I have none that is going to graduate for a little while, when is the last date that you would need someone for this position? If you would like to mail me, contact me at I have a guy that is welding meter runs, and would love to go back that way, this is where he is from. thanks
Parent - By Greg G. (**) Date 07-08-2007 22:04
What type of Aluminum welding is it TIG or MIG. I myself have been welding Aluminum or supervise the welding of Aluminum and know how hard it is to get good experienced aluminum welders. Where is the job, how long is it for and what type of work is it. Please respond as I might be able to help for a time.
Parent - By M Baker (**) Date 07-24-2007 16:35
You may post your welding job openings in the free job bank at
Students graduating from the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology use this job bank to locate openings. 
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Need Aluminum welders bad!!

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