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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Level II Mag Partical Certification
- - By Logan Mayfield (**) Date 03-23-2007 17:36
It is my understanding that in order to get a level II NDT operator certification you must work under someone who has it for X amount of hours.  Is this the only route or is there a seminar and exam that can be taken?  I need to obtain this certification to meet some customer requirements but have no one to work under.  Can a outside current level II operator be brought in to train me?  How many hours must be logged?
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-23-2007 20:02
To perform NDE, you'll need it in a QAM, a written practice that typically has to be in line with the recommendations of ASNT SNT-TC-1A, under that written practice the requirements for Level I and II should be stated per tc1a or cp 189 depending on which standard they go to. You can contract the level III duties to an outside agency but you will still have to work under a level II until you have the required hours.
It's not something your going to be able to do overnight, and will likely cost some money. You may want to evaulate the cost of contracting the work outright, vs. creating your own program.
Parent - - By Logan Mayfield (**) Date 03-27-2007 20:08
Thanks for the info.  I will dig into the code before I make my decision. 
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-27-2007 20:31
May want to persue it for future work though, since it doesn't just happen over night.

Per SNT-TC-1A:1996(newer versions are out)
MT Level I initial training requirements were 12 hrs for HS diploma and 8 hrs for tech. college experience, and then gain an initial experience level of 1 month.

MT Level II initial training requirements were 8 hrs for HS diploma and 4 hrs for tech. college experience, and then gain an initial experience level of 3 months.

edited for typos
Parent - - By Logan Mayfield (**) Date 03-28-2007 12:03
Where can I get my hands on SNT-TC-1A.  I did not find it at AWS Pubs. 
Parent - By Mwccwi (***) Date 03-28-2007 13:35
Question: Where can I get my hands on SNT-TC-1A.  I did not find it at AWS Pubs. 

Aswer: Try the issuing organization
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Level II Mag Partical Certification

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