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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Requirements for fabricating flange spacers
- - By chrcon Date 03-25-2007 16:44
I have come across a situation where a spacer has been installed inbetween 2 - 3" RFWM 150# flanges
These spacers where made in a local machine shop
The spacers where installed instead of reworking piping to reduce the gap inbetween flanges (spacer = 5.5" FTF)
Are there any code requirements (ANSI/ASME) one must follow when biulding a spacer?
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-25-2007 17:42
The first question is, "What piping code was the system built to?'

Parent - By MBSims (****) Date 03-25-2007 21:10
The same code requirements apply to the spacer as the original piping system code requirements, such as approved materials, welding qualifications, NDE, etc. 
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Requirements for fabricating flange spacers

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