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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / What test should I use to test my welders?
- - By Kix (****) Date 03-26-2007 17:07 Edited 03-26-2007 18:41
These guys are welding on A-36 AND A-514 or T1 steel from 1/2" thick to 3/8". Processes include Metalcore and solid wire GMAW. There are some grove welds(not full penn), single bevel, t joints, and outside corners on this part.  There are no out of position welds and can do everything in the flat and horz.  What one test or tests can i give these guys to qualify them?  Can i just give them a 2g test plate with backing for both processes and will that qualify them to do all this?  O and what is ment by a prequalified process? Thanks

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-26-2007 18:36
What welding standard is applicable?

Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-26-2007 18:39
O i'm sorry it's D1.1 structural. and there is no vertical welds come to find out.  They can rotate the part to weld everything in the flat and horz.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-26-2007 19:05
Yes, 2G will qualify the WPS for production positions for Flat and Horz CJP and PJP Grooves and Fillets on Plate and F&H on CJP and PJP Grooves on Pipe and Fillets in F&H on diameter greater than 24".-see Table 4.1

"Prequalified" is a status for a procedure you can write as long as you meet all of the essential variables listed in Table 4.5 and can do so without having to qualify the WPS by testing.-see Paragraph 3.1

Unfortuanately your materials are Group 1(A36) to Table 4.9(A514) and are not prequalified.-see Paragraph 3.3
You will need to refer to Table 4.2 to see what testing is required for your WPS qualification.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-26-2007 19:05
Look to D1.1 Secton 3.2 for the clear description of Prequalified welding processes.

D1.1 table 3.1 notes Metal core filler wires under  GMAW process so that helps.

Most metal core wires (all I've ever seen) are designed to run flat or horizontal so it's good you can rotate your part.

Are you looking to:

simply test potential candidates for the job?
make welder qualification test reports following the test so that you will comply to D1.1?

Or both?
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-26-2007 19:38 Edited 03-26-2007 20:15
Yes i'm trying to comply with D1.1 Standards.  I must come up with new documentation for this area of welding in the plant.  I'm guessing the old stuff is outdated.  The welders say they have been tested, but i have seen no documentation on them being certified.  I must write all new WPS's and PQR's so i'm guessing they will have to be retested after i reqaulify a new procedure.  So does the solid wire er80s-d2 wire with 90/10 argon/co2 mix ON THE A36 base fall under prequalified?  One more thing, how long does a WPS last or stay reconized?
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-26-2007 20:32
About the filler: see Paragraph 3.3 and Table 3.1 for filler metal/base metal combinations that are prequalified.
WPS will remain until either the supporting PQR is no longer relevant or Table 4.5 has a conflict in the variables being used.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-26-2007 20:33
Another thought, The welder who welds these PQRs will be qualified to weld in production, but other personnel will need to be tested/qualified/certified.
Parent - By geralderik (*) Date 03-27-2007 15:55
Tienes que calificarlo en base a la seccion 4 (Table 4.9) D1.1, por lo que veo son materiales disimiles en el ensayo de doblez tiene que ser en el sentido longitudinal ojo con eso.

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / What test should I use to test my welders?

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