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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / "Cause I'm proud to be an Ameri" ---- CWI!
- - By RANDER (***) Date 03-29-2007 03:27
Just got the results  and it's official.... I joined the ranks of Proud Certified Welding Inspectors!
Sorry I had to express my thoughts to people who know the feeling.  Its hard  to convey to outsiders what each additional cert means to us.  For Most its more money in the paycheck. For some its putting the stinger down and picking up a mirror and flashlight, Waking up with the back a little less sore and the wallet a little fatter (Which has to please Mama), or another way to keep the little ones eating when a project ends.  For me it opens up another world of Inspection where I have the opportunity to work closer to home hopefully resulting in more time with my growing children and wonderful, supportive wife.  I drive 200 miles a day and for those of you who know Southern California (LA) traffic thats equal to at least 400 Texas miles. Add 5 hrs  commute to a 12-16 hr day Sh-t,Shower, Shave, get a couple hours sleep and it makes you wonder why you do it.  Get home to the kids and if the homework is done and they arent killing each other then you know why you do.
Im glad for this forum and being part of it, It has helped me and I hope to recipricate (May not be spelled correctly)
I dont have all the answers, but I can look it up!  Someone had to figure these things out - - - Right?
G'night all
Parent - By chall (***) Date 03-29-2007 08:47

Definitely no need to apologize for being proud of your achievements!

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-29-2007 10:07
Congrats rander! Glad to hear the good news :-)
Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 03-29-2007 16:24
If you don't mind me asking, exactly how long did it take for your results?  I just took mine last week, and like everyone else, am anxious.  You know, you'd think with the amount we spend for seminars and testing, they'd be able to afford a couple people per test to grade it and send the results in a few weeks.  Not to mention it's scantron, which take just seconds to grade!!!!

edit - sorry, I forgot to congratulate you.  Hopefully I'll be joining the ranks soon.
Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 03-29-2007 16:37
Thanks all,   New Tito I took the test on Feb, 17th so it is just about six weeks later.  Although I did pester them on the phone to get the results.  As I was out of town they were kind enough to tell me over the phone but Im still waiting for the mail to see how I did. 
I hear you about the time.  API is very strict about giving you results in 6 weeks also.  Let us know how you did, Im sure if you felt good leaving the test you passed. 
Parent - - By weld7320 (*) Date 04-01-2007 00:40
Hey Rander, I took my test the same day at Hobart (and just found out I passed). Where did you take it?
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 04-02-2007 13:37
San Diego, CA -  Congrats to you
Parent - By Mwccwi (***) Date 03-30-2007 05:00
I don't remember the time frame for my 1st time, but the last time I got the papers in the mail right at 6 weeks but I in 3 weeks by punching my # into the online CWI check @ nthe AWS home page
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 03-30-2007 10:11
New Tito

As a Certification Committee Member, I will agree with you.  However, because you take a Practical Hands-On examination, it is necessary for AWS Staff to examine/re-inspect the Test Kit you used for the HOT before giving you results.  This takes time to ship and schedule for inspection. 

If you take an ICC Structural Steel and Welding Special Inspector Examination, or the Structural Steel and Bolting Special Inspector Examination, or the Spray Applied Fire Resistant Coatings Examination, you take it at a Promissor computer testing facility, It costs you $200.00, and you get your card within 15 minutes of successfully completing the Examination.

These examinations are much simpler than the AWS CWI examination, and because there is only a "Drawings Reading Examination" involved, it is administratively easier to check.   It would seem logical that AWS could do a LOT better than six weeks.  I for one have never been satisfied with AWS Staff excuses for why it takes so long to get the results back to the test takers.
Parent - By joseph asturino (*) Date 04-01-2007 03:05
they told me that i'd have to wait 6 weeks from the last day of the month in which i took the exam to get "my" icc/ss/w cert here in los angeles,,,,,,,,but it was only 4 weeks later when it came,,,,,still  , 6 weeks sooner than what they told me......i took it on the 3rd of the month in question...........

but never the same day,,,,,,,,,the only thing you have coming the same day would be "bad" news , if you know what i mean.........:( 
Parent - - By jamesrodr (*) Date 04-16-2007 18:42

First of all Congrats on passing the CWI exam . I see that you are a certified API510 inspector also.  What was the standard of the exam and and how much effort you put in comparatively to pass it?
Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 04-16-2007 19:14
Thank you Sir,
If you are asking what codes are required for the test they can be found at the American Petroleum Institute website under certification.  When I took the test these codes were applicable either whole or in part; ASME sec VIII, ASME Sec V, ASME Sec IX, API 572, API 576, API 577.  It is a 2 part, 150 question test over 8 Hrs.  I studied for a few hours a day for approx. 2 months prior to the test.  I canceled any appointments, parties, recreational activities, and promised my wife riches beyond her wildest dreams if she'd just leave me alone to study.  In preparation for the AWS CWI exam I reviewed my "Certification Manual for welding Inspectors" and perused the "Welding Handbook."  No real study sessions this time as I felt the required knowledge for this exam had been a part of the API exams and felt I wouldn't have any problem with the test.  I found that the CWI exam is of course centered around Welding whereas the API exams touch on the welding aspect but generally deal with the larger picture of plant maintenance (Piping,Pressure vessels,tanks, Etc..)
Parent - - By jamesrodr (*) Date 04-17-2007 05:09
Hi Rander,

Thanks for the information .
Parent - By bcongiardo Date 04-17-2007 10:37
Congrats on the CWI! I took my test in Memphis this past summer and was told be the instructor to not expect any results for 9 weeks. It took 12 (yes, twelve) weeks for me to get my results. It was the longest wait of my life, and since the instuctor told us not to call Miami as it would only delay things, I waited until the 12th week to call. I just couldn't wait any longer! The lady that answered the phone was very polite and she kindly told me that I had passed as a CWI. What a load off me mind!
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / "Cause I'm proud to be an Ameri" ---- CWI!

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