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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / How Many Tests For One PQRT?
- - By tom cooper (**) Date 04-01-2007 13:01
For new WPS qualification per D1.1 (and also D1.6, but don't have a copy yet), we'll be preparing test welds on 3/4" plate. Process will be GTAW; base mat'l will be 4130 to itself; all will be for in-shop productions. (also have 17-4PH to itself in another future WPS, that's where D1.6 comes in later (thanks GR!)).

I need help in understanding how many test welds and tests I require, to qualify for "All Position". Must we weld up one groove butt weld for each of four positions (1G thru 4G) AND one T-joint fillet weld in each of four positions (1F thru 4F)? Will I need more test welds than this? or may some be used to cross qualify others?

Part 2 of my question is must we then have two Face Bends tests AND two Side Bend tests AND two Reduced Section Tension tests performed for EACH of the four groove weld test joints; additionally are two each Macro-etch tests also required for each T-joint fillet weld sample?

Part 3 of my question is according to an older copy of B2.1 (new 2006 version on order!), I must also have Shear tests done on fillet welds in a lap joint configuration. Which means I need to obtain four more test weldments (one in each of positions 1F thru 4F) and conduct two Shear tests on each.

Is all of this required or have I gone way way overboard in my interpretations?
All advice gladly received, and THANKYOU.

Parent - - By George-kh (**) Date 04-01-2007 22:52 Edited 04-01-2007 23:02
First let me know why you have selected GTAW for a ¾ in material. It does not seem economical.
As I know 4130 is not a structural steel and will not be supported by D1.1. considering limitations according to part 1.2

I am old in my document like you; and I have a 2002 copy of D1.1 and my talking base is that.
The roles explained below are same for D1.6. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ROLE IS SAME NOT THE DATA GIVEN BELOW.

Part 1 of your question:
According to table 4.1 you need three coupons in 2G, 3G and 4G. They qualify all positions for grooves and fillets.

Part 2 of your question:
According to part one, you have just groove welds coupons; so referring to table 4.2, your all 3 coupons are 3/8 inch thick and you need 2 tensile, and 2 face and 2 root bend tests.

Part 3 of your question:
I have never used B2.1 before!!
Attachment: Table4.1.pdf (76k)
Attachment: Table4.2.pdf (59k)
Attachment: Limitations.pdf (66k)
Parent - - By tom cooper (**) Date 04-01-2007 23:43
Hello George,
We stick weld ~90% of our work and the welders have been screaming for a GTAW WPS, mostly for repairs. But the engineers have also shown interest in wanting a double process WPS - GTAW from the root pass up to some # of passes (they haven't revealed details yet) and then finish off with SMAW.  And I don't know whether I can combine two seperate WPS's to give them what they want, or do I need to create test samples for one WPS using the exact GTAW/SMAW combination that they want.

Thankyou for replying on a weekend. I guess you were alerting me to the "Limitations" blurb because of some heat treated conditions of 4130 might disqualify it from D1.1 applicability?   - as long as we're using a normalized or annealed plate we should be OK.

And thanks for clarifying Tabel 4.1 for me, this means many less samples than I thought. Great!!! When is it necessary to do the shear tests on fillet welds?

Parent - By George-kh (**) Date 04-02-2007 00:36
There is no need to qualifying fillet welds, if you qualifying a groove weld. All groove welds qualify all fillet welds; but consider position limitation according to table 4.1.
However, if you want to weld a fillet weld coupon to qualify fillet welds, you must fallow table 4.4. the requirements are 3 macro-etchs.
Attachment: Table4.4.pdf (62k)
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / How Many Tests For One PQRT?

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