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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / PQR or lack thereof
- - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-02-2007 16:07
To all,

I've recently been asked a question that I cannot find an answer to. From what I can read, ASME code assumes that all welding was done via a qualified PQR/WPS.
The question is, what happens if after welding out a specific portion of a project, it was discovered that the original PQR did not have all required elements? (in particular The charpy test). Is there anything in ASME code, or any other code that addresses the path forward for this situation?
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 04-02-2007 16:17
No.  You'll have to work out a resolution with the Authorized Inspector and the customer.  That should include stopping any further welding until the procedure that was used is qualified to meet the notch toughness requirements and demonstrating the maximum heat input that is qualified was not exceeded during the welding.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 04-02-2007 18:26 Edited 04-02-2007 19:12
Check this months Welding Journal -  Sperko article.  I believe this is addressed in there.

EDIT: What I mean is I believe the topic is loosely addressed.  Obviously, as Marty indicates, a stop welding / stop work must be made while a new PQR is run and subsequently tested, approved and a revised WPS is authorized.  If the new PQR is run with the EXACT same variables as the original PQR and the only change is impact testing is added, I believe dispositioning an NCR should be a no-brainer.  If impacts fail well then you know what will likely hit the proverbial fan... could see all kinds of after effects... hardness testing of welds, etc.,

Take a look at QW-401.3 and see if it doesn't give you some guidance?
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-03-2007 02:47
Thanks for the replies. The proverbial fan has already been in action. The particular situation is not on my current project, but a friend of mine has a severe problem on his current project including the lack of qualified PQR.

Thanks again,
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 04-03-2007 11:41
Suggest he look into QW-401.3 to see if it'll help.  For confirmation, I ran the question and proposed response past Sperko, who agree's that may be a good solution.  If you wish, your friend may contact me directly to see if I'm able to assist.
Parent - By nosetackle (**) Date 04-03-2007 05:36

there is a project in our neighborhood and something similar happened in that project. They renewed all PQRs and cut some actual joints and extracted CVN impact test specimen.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / PQR or lack thereof

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