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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Welding with two processes on the same joint
- - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 04-02-2007 23:16
Hello everyone,

can anyone tell me if 3.6.1 is talking about being able to weld with, lets say FCAW over SMAW, and if not does D1.1 allow that. For instance, if you put in a root pass using a SMAW WPS and then you want to weld out with FCAW WPS.

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-03-2007 03:00 Edited 04-03-2007 03:02
I believe 3.6.1 addresses combination of WPS's. A combination of them can be done provided the limitation of essential variables applicable to each "process" is observed.
Process as defined by AWS 3.0

process. A grouping of basic operational elements used
in brazing, soldering, thermal cutting, thermal spraying
or welding.

and a couple of more references from AWS 3.0

submerged arc welding (SAW). An arc welding "process"
flux cored arc welding (FCAW). An arc welding "process"
shielded metal arc welding (SMAW). An arc welding "process"

I only quoted the first four words of the process, but they are the relevant words.
Based on that, yes it means combination of processes and WPS's as long as the essential variables
of each process are observed.

I know for sure that ASME allows, I believe this portion of D1.1 allows it.
Parent - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 04-03-2007 19:39
Thanks very much CW1555.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Welding with two processes on the same joint

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