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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / union apprenticeship
- - By TaylorTolliver (*) Date 04-05-2007 02:11 Edited 04-05-2007 02:17
I am a junior at my local career center for welding in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. I am one of the few kids in the class that is serious on getting into the welding field. The thing is, is that my grades at my home school are horrible, which means i cant get in the School-to-Work Union apprenticeship at my school. And it sucks cause i really want to get in this field. And I was wondering if there was anyone on here located on the Westside of Cleveland that could maybe help me and get me a connection for an apprenticeship. Cause I am a pretty good welder, i can weld in all positions fairly well with E6010 and E7018. And in no more than a month, I am taking a 7018 3/8" Overhead Root Bend test. I am hoping that this certification will help me excel in the field of welding. So as i said, anyone who may be able to get me an apprenticeship lead would be very very helpful. Thanks in advance. :)
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 04-05-2007 05:49
Hello TaylorTolliver, I can't help you with the apprenticeship leads in your geographical area but I might have a few suggestions for you on a few other items. First a question, you said that your grades at your home school suck, exactly which classes are you having difficulty with? The reason that I am asking has something to do with the expectations that most unions have of the individuals that are trying to get an apprenticeship with them. Those scary subjects that go by the titles of reading, writing, and mathematics really are important in the world of the trades. If these are some of the areas that are giving you difficulty consider their value in this way. A career is a pathway to lead you through life, along the way there are going to be many challenges and opportunities for learning, having a good basic understanding of reading and comprehension skills will better equip you to develope a clearer understanding of any situation you run into. Being able to express yourself clearly and precisely in a written form will make you a more desireable worker and co-worker and likely a boss or business owner, if you so choose. Math skills will be a part of almost every day of your life as you work your way through your career and can be an invaluable asset in many of the situations you will likely run into. I would give you an example to consider also: you can be the best welder in the world, yet, if you go in for an interview and cannot present yourself in a clear and confident manner and speak intelligently and answer questions as they should be answered, you may never get the opportunity to show anyone how good you really are as a welder. I do not mean to speak down to you in any way, I am telling it to you like it is and hoping if you haven't given these things some thought that you will do so now. So if you are having difficulty in any of the areas that I have mentioned here try to check into tutoring help, or study groups, or take the time to see if your teachers will consider giving you some additional help. In most cases YOU will have to make the effort to do something about problems that you might be experiencing in the classes that you are doing poorly in. Welding really is a great field, if you take the time to read some of the posts on the forum here you can tell that there are many paths that can be taken and you can end up doing an endless number of challenging and rewarding things as they relate to the field of welding. Good luck on your desires, work hard, don't loose your focus, and enjoy the rewards, Regards, aevald
Parent - - By TaylorTolliver (*) Date 04-05-2007 06:18
Well I understand. Though I can add subtract, multiply, and divide well. Any measurements or things like that, I can do easily. I can write and of Course I can speak fluently. And I can read. But Im more into working with my hands and doing active things, which is why I am not doing so well in those subjects, but is also why I am in welding.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 04-05-2007 06:43
Hello again TaylorTolliver, are there any options for applied mathematics courses or other types of applied courses for english or reading at your school? Since you express a higher level of interest in hands-on and active things according to your reply, maybe a different option for your regular classes would allow you a higher degree of success in these areas. Changing your frame of mind with regard to these classes might also make them more bearable and easier to get through, try to think of them as stepping stones and not as obstructions. Another consideration with regard to english classes or reading related type classes might be to try to use welding related topics for the subjects of your papers or reading materials if you are given the option. Approach your teachers and explain your interests in trades related fields, it's possible they may allow you to use your welding interests as the topics of your school work. Sometimes you just have to buckle down and get through some of the things that you don't like in life in order to get on to the things that you really do love. Regards, aevald
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / union apprenticeship

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