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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / E7018 3/8" Overhead Root Bend Test
- - By TaylorTolliver (*) Date 04-05-2007 02:36
I am a junior at a career center in the welding class. I am pretty good for someone who has only been stick welding for 3 months. And i can weld in all positions. i am just about the best welder in my class. Since i have the skills to weld overhead, i am taking practice certification tests.
One vertical up, and one overhead. I already figured out the vertical up technique that works best for me which is a crescent. But I am having trouble figuring out a technique for the overhead position. And also, should i use the 1/8" rod or the 3/32" rod. Thanks in advance. :)
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 04-05-2007 15:27
For me, overhead 7018 is a matter of making sure the rod is perpendicular to the BM surface, keeping heat low, and I always used a reverse U oscillation holding on the sides to ensure no undercut, just as with verticals, but not holding as long since the molten metal will slip 'down' on you to sag, and not slip back filling in the middle as with a vertical. think aobut the direction of gravity.
You can overhead even 1/4" 7018 but it requires more skill. Until you spent some time with it I'd stick to the smaller rods.
But welding is a skill, there will be other techniques just as valid I'm sure.
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 04-07-2007 05:15
I always just use the drag method on overhead. Drag up, that is! hehe
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 04-18-2007 12:25
Yeah if they me me weld over my head i'd drag up too.  Are we talking about a OH fillet weld here or a groove weld.  If it's an overhead fillet the only tip i gan give is to make sure you keep your leg lengths equal.  Lots of welders tend to put more leg length on the vertical member and not so much on the actual top piece.  Like you said use the technique that works best for you and that you can do consistently.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-19-2007 10:42
This is more everyday experience for me then just doing a kodak for test.

I tend to push 70/18 on overhead to keep my caps clean.  You get a lot of drop off that way but  you wont get inclusions or lack of tie in on your caps.   If you have to do overhead roots with the same rod then just try to scoop out (pushing) and let the rod backfill for you.  you will get good cosistent penetration and they will shoot clean.  Just my two works for me but it does waste a bit of material.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / E7018 3/8" Overhead Root Bend Test

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